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  1. ballzano

    Obama supporters losing their faith?

    huh? what? Unemployment rates are based off of how many people are actively looking for work, with unemployment benefits being extended and jobs not available people are not looking. And not being counted. And the jobs that were created, were not private sector jobs... awe screw it i'm gonna...
  2. ballzano

    George Carlin: America was founded on a double standard

    All i'm gonna say is to cannonize carlin is a be careful what you wish for moment. He says alot of things, to be funny.... Not to "change the world for the better", but if you need to believe that so be it
  3. ballzano

    A hunter shoots a bear?

    hmmmmmm. wonder what timothy treadwell did?
  4. ballzano

    British scientists find the world's sixth-largest river... at the bottom of the SEA

    Re: British scientists find the world's sixth-largest river... at the bottom of the S
  5. ballzano

    Homemade Firecracker Fail

    I cried...... Perfect, production, especially his yelp after it blew up
  6. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    you may say socialism/communism isn't inherintly evil but........ It's been around for quite a while now and no one seems to be able to get it right. whether is doesn't fit with human nature or not is a strong possibility. But when a bunch of self important people think they know whats best...
  7. ballzano

    Laurence Fishburne's 19 Year Old Daughter Goes Into Porn

    nice set of tits..will she do IR?
  8. ballzano

    Celebrities Sex Tapes

    me and your mom, cause I didnt know she wasn't a celebrity?
  9. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    sorry you fail..
  10. ballzano

    200 'Witches' Killed In India Each Year

    getting to thread, how long has this been going on as far in years?
  11. ballzano

    Survey: Europeans back veil ban, Americans opposed

    the media is a damnable thing, how it manipulates...
  12. ballzano

    Survey: Europeans back veil ban, Americans opposed

    they did after all move there.........
  13. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    well your nephew,... stalin thanks you!
  14. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    why don't you just say "true communism never really existed..." But those assholes sure did try.
  15. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    ^^^^Well maybee the U.S should have pulled out before the CCCP dissolved and let all the socialist have an orgy of sorts
  16. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    I am trying to being forthright here, but socialism has never been what it promised to be.... its the money/encentive equation. They try to provide but too many people get hurt, cause the all for one, one for all bullshit.
  17. ballzano

    The Next Tennessee Governor.

    Dude? Spin what? it's comedy
  18. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    Yes! and the real kick in the dick is they no nothing themselves, little more than their newspapers tell them.
  19. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    Ronald Reagan said, "Mr Gorbochev, tear down this wall". But it was mostly East Germans who did it initially. Then they sold bits of it (smells like capatalism)? Possibly a "better question to ask" is Why did they fear us (they didn't)? A dumb american might say they feared their...
  20. ballzano

    A question about Socialism/Communism

    visit a communist country, talk to people. Hopefully you will not get locked up.
  21. ballzano

    What Food Makes Your Burps Taste The Best?

    a good Italian meal with a little red wine, always works for me
  22. ballzano

    Humans' early arrival in Britain

    fella's...... ladies? These are not homo sapiens (cro-magnons) These are an earlier type huminoid, so the died out and where replaced
  23. ballzano

    So called; Americans View of the World.

    Whaaa? they haven't played music in 20 years, except at night. But their dumb ass show's tell kid's how to live their lives.... badly
  24. ballzano

    So called; Americans View of the World.

    I didn't have MTV as a child, but i suspect their most to blame...
  25. ballzano

    Caption this picture!! lol

    that's nothing , Dan Rather was the origional Faux news. And did it for longer. Now followed up by nbc.... the propiganda network-polit office
  26. ballzano

    If a God Exists.......

    i meant to say shit, but why dont the anti-religious movement grow some balls and preach to other religions, well like of course the muslims? Come'on pussies.........because YOU BELIEVE IT'S BULLSHIT. please go there and talk your talk there like you do here, PLEASE! You might actually do...
  27. ballzano

    If a God Exists.......

    something smells like shie here ^^^^^^^^^ . Hotmega?
  28. ballzano

    Chimpanzees 'launch murderous sprees to expand their territories'

    we have known this for at least 20 years
  29. ballzano

    Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

    Well fuck then i'll just wait a year or two, cause the prophet obama just said earlier today all economies are linked. But kudo's to canada for having a conservative banking system..... that's right they do not give loans based on inequality like the U.S. does thank's to bwarney Fwank and his ilk
  30. ballzano

    Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

    What I basically said was that Canada's economy is a leech to the U.S. economy. It's tied to it, and will eventually feel the effects....
  31. ballzano

    Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

    obama not good enough? Just move there please
  32. ballzano

    Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

    that's what i do....Oh shit! their the worlds envy cause of me?
  33. ballzano

    District 9 director may direct "The Hobbit"

    this should be jackson's project, If not him, than a confidant..
  34. ballzano

    Is a man gay if he rejects my BJ offer???

    i didn't search the thread but i need pictures to give an honest answer....
  35. ballzano

    9 Reasons why GOD HATES HOLLAND!

    but geeeeeez, those Belgiums make some shitty beer!
  36. ballzano

    9 Reasons why GOD HATES HOLLAND!

    Of course, I wear my right shoe on my left foot.
  37. ballzano

    Taleban hang 7-year-old boy to punish family

    it's a movie.......a silly stupid fucking movie, enhanced? ... oh yeah!
  38. ballzano

    9 Reasons why GOD HATES HOLLAND!

    so before i make a comment, what european country is freeones based ut of?
  39. ballzano

    Anyone know anything about cars?

  40. ballzano

    Why isn't Soccer popular in America?

    they are what they are, if we try to figure out what is better it might become the new middle east?
  41. ballzano

    Why isn't Soccer popular in America?

    hell you can probibly watch four, but when i watch baseball (me that is) i'm still awake. I'm looking at the relation between the pitcher-catcher as in is he losing it, im looking at the opposing team and heckling them, when their on the field... Oh? maybee you have never been to a baseball...
  42. ballzano

    Why is Obama so liked still?

    you must have either short term memory or a selective one (which means you remember what you what to). But no, your just a pundunt fool, I remember daily updates on Bush's approval rating's when they around obamers now.... but nothing...... chris mattews and oldermanass were yanked from...
  43. ballzano

    Why is Obama so liked still?

    and you could say why don't they like them.... the answer is THE MEDIA and its agenda.... and their liberal pawns
  44. ballzano

    Why isn't Soccer popular in America?

    we have alternatives that have caught on in other parts of the world, that are as complicated as any. It is a slow game but actually one of the fastest, there is no clock. It ends, when it ends.... why isn't baseball more popular in the world? I mean.... I know why in Europe, they have soccar
  45. ballzano

    Breaking up with Obama

  46. ballzano

    Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

    ^ yea but i'm getting tired of these fucking gay threads that really only tell half the story, usually for political purposes (very,very small minded ones). I would rather wait a year or two and say...... See of course I was right. because i am!
  47. ballzano

    Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

    their still a leach to the american economy, they cannot stand alone. But hey with smoke and mirrors it looks good so, if you think its sooo strong please move there
  48. ballzano

    Breaking up with Obama

    I personally see this as the "media's" failure, because they proped up an unqualified radical.... And now their just trying to cover their tracks, and absolve responsibility.
  49. ballzano

    America is doomed, pat 8,463

    i've heard this guy try to speak, so im gonna vote for the patent
  50. ballzano

    Movie Battle #7 V For Vendetta vs BoonDock Saints... which film is better?

    i have a chubby for natalie, but boondock saints all the way!!!!