Search results

  1. rintoe

    Name one pornstar would you impregnate?

    Michelle Wild. She's got one kid already but I'd give her another in the blink of an eye.
  2. rintoe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Angel Pink. I know, I need to get a different hobby!
  3. rintoe

    sexual fantasy

    All the time. But I would prefer it if it was a bath full of multi coloured plastic balls covered in low fat mayonnaise.
  4. rintoe

    If you love the "vs Capcom" fighting games.....

    Tatsunoko vs Capcom is everthing it needed to be. I love this title with a passion and recommend it to anyone. Unless you hate fighting games in which case....... Take yourself into a quiet room and have a word with yourself! If you liked Marvel vs Capcom or Capcom vs SNK then you will love...
  5. rintoe

    Your Favorite DC Vilians

    The Joker.
  6. rintoe

    Your Favorite DC Superheroes

    There is only one choice DC or any other company. The Dark Knight rules and always will.
  7. rintoe

    Best MP on Wii?

    It's absolutely awsome, you have to get it. As for the question. Call of Duty for me.
  8. rintoe

    Do you have a favourite game chick?

    Morrigan from Darkstalkers. This only became more acute when my all time favourite porn star Michelle Wild was dressed up like her in Cosplay International. Damn those guys must have read my mind:eek: After that Kasumi from DOA. When you are beating off over a bloody xbox game you know you are...
  9. rintoe

    Favorite video game soundtracks

    Streets of Rage 2. Halo. Capcom vs SNK (Dreamcast edition).
  10. rintoe

    what game are you playing right now?

    Currently on Tatsunoko vs Capcom ultimate all stars. Awsome:D
  11. rintoe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Anna Kournikova. Pictures of her from before her current over skinny form. Oh those legs and that sporty ass clad in black lycra hot pants:rubbel:
  12. rintoe

    No problem.

    No problem.
  13. rintoe

    NHL 2011 wish list

    I loved NHL 09. Sure it had it's problems but games always do. I would like to see more of the European leagues. Slovak league would be nice seeing as alot of big name NHL guys are from there.
  14. rintoe

    Best video game system

    Got rid of my 360 last year and traded it for a Wii. Good choice I think. Now I don't play games which are the same as old xbox games but with tarted up graphics. So I'd say the Wii at the moment. Oh yeah forgot to say the Wii doesn't give me nasty electric shocks from the disc tray like the...
  15. rintoe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Clair Bidez again followed by Michelle Ryan. Busy day. Oh what fun!
  16. rintoe

    Things in porn that turn you off INSTANTLY.

    Firstly why do we get a bloody close up of the bloke when he is about to cum. I sure I'm not the only one when I say that I don't want to see a close up of some ugly sweaty bloke gurning away for a minute before he blows his load. Secondly girls that cum dodge. You know, the ones that plant...
  17. rintoe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Cair Bidez. The first time but certainly not the last time.
  18. rintoe

    who's mouth do you want to cum in?

    Today it would be Clair Bidez:blowjob:
  19. rintoe

    Hottest Winter Olympian

    Re: Best Looking Winter Olympian Kiira Korpi but only because Clair Bidez is not on the list. Clair Bidez is awsome. Never heard of her before but she's certainly worth a squirt:rubbel:
  20. rintoe

    Your favorite Czech pornstar

    For me it has to be Lucie Lee. She seems to be quite under rated in my book but she can fit in with any sort of porn you want to watch. On one hand she does the glamour hardcore Private style. Then she seems to be able to handle the nastier Gonzo type double anal, ass to mouth and deep...
  21. rintoe

    Only "Czech" girls / Czech Pornstars / Favourite Czech babes

    Re: Only "Czech" girls Czech girls are awsome. My favourite Czech girl has to be Lucie Lee, she rocks big time! Is there anything she can't handle? I don't thinks so. Need to jerk off just thinking about her.
  22. rintoe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Twice for Michelle Ryan pics from Arena magazine, then once for Claudia Rossi in Dreams in White. Oh what a busy day.
  23. rintoe

    who's mouth do you want to cum in?

    Right now it would be Jessica Alba.
  24. rintoe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Anna Kournikova followed by Lucie Lee in Tag Teamed 3.
  25. rintoe

    Pussy? Oral? or Anal?

    Up the ass. Yes please.
  26. rintoe

    'ONE-hit wonder' Pornstars who did one (or a few) well-known scenes and then vanished

    Re: One hit wonders/Short timers you can't forget Adrienne Klass. I think she did about 3 films before sliding off never to be seen again. Damn it, I loved that gal.
  27. rintoe

    Do you have porn on your iPod/MP3 player/mobile device?

    No, can't be arsed having porn on a pointless little screen. Still horses for courses.
  28. rintoe

    Anal Creampie Vs. Vaginal Creampie

    Anal every time.
  29. rintoe

    Who is or are your favorite flat chested pornstar actresses?

    Claudia Rossi ain't that big in the chest department but she rocks.
  30. rintoe

    Jacking To Sports

    Ana Ivanovic was leaping about on court once while I was watching tv. Had to stroke one out over her even though I'd never heard of her before.
  31. rintoe

    Favorite 'Classic" Porn Star

    Tanya Russof That glossy black hair of hers looked awsome with large slugs of sperm in it.
  32. rintoe

    Who has made you cum the most? (past and present)

    If it was down to the most cums ever and not just porn tarts then it would be Louise Redknapp first and foremost by along way. Been jacking off over her since 1995 solid:D The only other girl who comes close would be Anna Kournikova. That's a 10 year span of constant jizz inducing fun:rubbel:
  33. rintoe

    Insecure about dick size after watching porn.

    I was very concerned after seeing porn films about my size. Shit I'm far too big!:D
  34. rintoe

    Who was your fav. babe in Playboy?

    Erika Eleniak
  35. rintoe

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    A goalie who can catch might help for Toronto. Damn it I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes already. Please Toronto I'm begging you.:crying:
  36. rintoe

    Who is your number one favorite porn star?

    That would have to be Michelle Wild. No contest. So many reasons really. She did nasty enough stuff to be exciting but not enough to make me want to spew. She looks great, looks like she's into what she was doing. Had a knack of looking ultra cool (no mean feat when you've got some hairy goof...
  37. rintoe

    Thanks for the add.

    Thanks for the add.
  38. rintoe

    Thanks for the add.

    Thanks for the add.
  39. rintoe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Michelle Ryan. Ooooohhhh my god that was intense.
  40. rintoe

    Thanks for the rep Kjgm.

    Thanks for the rep Kjgm.
  41. rintoe

    Thanks for the rep.

    Thanks for the rep.
  42. rintoe

    Captain America Vs Batman

    Says it all. The Bat rules:batman:
  43. rintoe

    Your first internet porn wank ?

    After months of jacking myself silly over pictures of Louise Redknapp I found some pictures of Tanya Russof sucking cock and getting jizz spashed all over her face. Worked a treat for me.
  44. rintoe

    Lads::What Pornstar gets you the Hardest ??

    For some reason Alexa May. I could almost do myself an injury.
  45. rintoe

    which pornstar does the best anal?

    The best anal porn star is matter of opinion. Depends what type of anal you are into. Personally my favourite girl for it by far Claudia Rossi. She does the lighter glam hardcore anal really well. Sometimes I don't want to watch something too brutal. But when I do she has no trouble with the...
  46. rintoe

    Which "mainstream" actress would U want a blowjob from?

    Oh yes Michelle Ryan:blowjob: I think she'd give awsome head. Jessica Alba also.
  47. rintoe

    your favourite women

    Non Porn. Michelle Ryan. Anna Kournikova. Sarah Michelle Gellar. Ana Ivanovic. Louise Redknapp. Jessica Alba. Kate Beckinsale. Emma Watson. Gemma Atkinson. Porn. Michelle Wild. Claudia Rossi. Lucie Lee. Teagan Presley. Angel Pink. Alexa May. Taylor Rain.
  48. rintoe

    What's The Latest Chick Flick You've Seen?

    I'm a real grump on chick flicks so refuse to watch em. I only just saw Bridget Jones's diary recently after tons of arm twisting from my wife. I thought it would be shit so managed all these years to avoid it. And you know what? It was even shitter than I thought it was going to be. Stick to...
  49. rintoe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Claudia Rossi from Grand Theft Anal