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  1. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    It must be Christmas! I received my XOGisele calendar in good shape in the mail today, autographed and personalized by none other than herself (or a fair duplication of it). A brief review: It is 8 1/2 x 11 and folds out to 17 inches. This was not unexpected but I still would have liked a...
  2. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    He's 23, uchual. He hasn't gotten past adolescence yet. :facepalm:
  3. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Just begging for you get in behind her and split her wide open or die tryin'! My kind of gal. :yoda:
  4. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    What in the fuck are you talking about?? Shades of yesteryear. I wish she'd produce more looks like this nowadays. :yoda:
  5. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    "The calendar showed there looks standard size (8 x 11)." I noticed that too. Not very impressive for a $33 calendar. We'll have to check out the photos and printing to see if they're of any better value.
  6. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    From her twitter page just an hour ago: "Rise N Grind!! Sending out the first batch of calendars today!! Besure to get yours on !" Hopefully they'll start showing up early next week and they're all they're cracked up to be.
  7. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    There's a little more than chub in the belly region going on from what I can see. What has been for years the best ass on the planet is spreading laterally. And, her thighs are approaching the thunderous range if the "pink fire" update is an accurate indicator. It doesn't mean she's no longer...
  8. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Whether or not Gisele's with child isn't a guess I'd feel right about speculating on but she certainly looks and acts differently these days than she did not so very long ago.
  9. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Nobody's denying she's not "still hot". It's the decline in the quality of her product that sucks. :2 cents:
  10. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    I'll comment. She looks 10 lbs heavier if not more and the originality is again missing entirely. This is totally blah stuff compared with what she's done countless times in the past. Gisele's simply mailing it in now.
  11. R

    Tessa Fowler

    It's hard to imagine any glamour photography outfit letting the 24 year-old talent dictate the content of their product. She'll have to find a way out of her contract with them or go along with the gag until the terms are completed (making good money all the way) and just deal with whatever...
  12. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Nothin' like originality, huh? More green couch shit. (Sorry Hans, always thought you were a good fellow).
  13. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    I'll laugh it up too, but that $38 will be the last money she ever makes off of me. Hell, let's see if the damned thing even shows up first. Hopefully it DOESN'T include any shots using that fucked up green couch as a prop yet again.
  14. R

    Tessa Fowler

    I think you may be grasping at straws a bit with that first statement, sheeplove. Wishful thinking is something we all do but it doesn't pay the bills.
  15. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    She must be pretty near the end of things to get so ruthlessly mercenary about sponging money for nothing like that page on "Gisele Goodies" allows. It's well beyond (or maybe beneath) the standard gifties a guy will spring for to pamper some chick out of infatuation. I'm afraid I'm done hoping...
  16. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle From her Twitter account yesterday. Nothing against Sasha but this wasn't exactly what I hoping to see her post. :yoda: Gisele's just fading away, friends. Her best work is well behind her and her interest in it has dwindled down to a small...
  17. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    I agree she's looked better, but at least she's turned out some material that doesn't include that damned green couch and the purple wall behind it. JCMSVOBODA's video above has pretty good appeal and it's recent stuff. :2 cents:
  18. R

    Tessa Fowler

    Thanks for posting that, DF. I dimly recall watching a little of it last summer before turning it off to do something more rewarding and never got near the 35 minute mark. She has her own site and (one would think) ought to have a major say in it's content. If that includes the fetish angle she...
  19. R

    Tessa Fowler

    And I'm assuming this is being objected to because she's under contractual obligation to Pinupglam that prohibits her doing the MCTheater thing for now. Seems to me the answer to "why can't Tessa do what she wants to do?" is pretty obvious.
  20. R

    Tessa Fowler

    How do you supposedly know "what she wants to do" and that she's somehow not being allowed to?
  21. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Case in point: She calls this "cum to bed" Well named.
  22. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Yup, happy 31st, sweetie! ;) Nothing makes me wish I was still in my 30s like the sight of you. :yoda:
  23. R

    Tessa Fowler

    Best post on this page by far. Just Tessa and no haggling. :yoda:
  24. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    I'd trade the autograph for an even larger size calendar, personally. When glance at it over the next year it will be to admire Gisele's tremendous physical appeal, not to check out her penmanship. I couldn't reliably tell the difference between a genuine signature and a computer generated one...
  25. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    If it's just an 8x10 I'm gonna be disappointed. Hell, you can get lots of girly calendars that size for free every year (ie. Snap-On, Rigid tool, Mikita, etc.). $33 + shipping should get you more than some stock photos and an autograph even if it is from your favorite model.
  26. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    You'd think all the fuss over her latest Cali trip would indicate she was stocking up on material just for that purpose, huh? Pretty much anything would be welcome for me so long as it gets away from that grubby green couch/blank wall setting she's repeatedly used lately. The lack of imagination...
  27. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle This is more like it. Just shot today (Nov 15) in Cali if I'm not misinformed.
  28. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle************/0054/14.jpg My idea of what our gal should be doing nowadays and leave that scuzzy green couch out of it. :2 cents:
  29. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Possibly because we see enough lying phonies in everyday life to not have a lot of tolerance left for them when it comes to our entertainment. You're right about taking this too seriously, though. "Phil" and people like him are all part of the game.
  30. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Never overlook some of your fellow man's capacity to be despicable scumbags given half a chance. :yoda: I don't have to tell you it can and frequently does get far worse than this sleezy annoyance. And Gisele, choosing the line of work she did years ago, has surely experienced many such...
  31. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Unless there's a lot more to this nonsense than what's presented here, it's a shame to be of the same species as a parasitic asshole like this "Phil" guy. :2 cents:
  32. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Sounds like G has started to produce a calendar. :) That's swell news for those of us less impressed with the repetitive webcam stuff & pining for her to put out some higher-quality photo work. If true I'll be springing for at least a couple of them 'cause I still adore Gisele. :wallet:
  33. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    All too true.
  34. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    I'm increasingly disappointed with the pablum diet of webcam stuff we've had for months now, myself. It's like being stuck with endless cheap knockoffs of art masterpieces you've appreciated for years. 'Never thought I'd say that about anything she turned out but there it is. I also take it as...
  35. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle The photo I posted above in #8111 that got nixed. Great grin. :D
  36. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle 'Just love that smile. Gisele has always been one of a kind and the best model on the web. Unfortunately her best work seems now in the past since she hasn't repeated anything like this shot in a while now.
  37. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle It's only my opinion, of course, but Gisele looks a whole lot better here than in the "Green Couch Strip" file above. :bounce:
  38. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle Correct posture is always important for a lady.
  39. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Lol. Don't blame you one bit. I wouldn't pay for such a nasty thing either. :eeew: We seem to agree on the main point, however. You termed her "sick of the gig" and I called it "burnout". The signs are hard to miss compared with her work of just a couple years back.
  40. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Go up the page about 5 comments to Andy73. It's one of the pics from "long black dress". Like the rest of that very nice post the work is all a couple years old now. Another good image or two: http://x.**********/gallery/xogisele/xo-gisele/uncensored-babes-hottie/xo-gisele-11.jpg...
  41. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    http://x.**********/gallery/xogisele/xo-gisele/high-level-babes-portal/xo-gisele-15.jpg Another image that I've always found especially appealing for some reason. Must be that fine ass cocked a little to one side.
  42. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    I drink every show too and I'm an Alaskan. Since I put a sweet rub on my salmon before grilling I am I "down there" with her? Neither of us know the particulars of what's going on with her personal life, just what we see from her work. That's the way it should be.
  43. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    So "thicker" is too strong but baseless conjecture about booze and too much salt aren't? OK. You're right about her showing sure signs of burnout, however. The real woman behind "Gisele" doesn't appear much anymore.
  44. R

    Tessa Fowler

    If you could buy a cloned fuck-toy, mine would look a lot like this. :yoda:
  45. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    I try to use the word "thicker" when referring to Gisele these days as opposed to years past. It avoids terms like "fatter" or "heavier" that automatically infer a negative connotation. Besides, she still gets me revved up the old same way regardless of her waist size. There's something else...
  46. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    You'll find similar sentiments expressed on here including some from me, but you know what they say about beggars and choosers. Her current work just isn't what it was, overall, but I'm glad she's still doing something.
  47. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle I don't whether it's the puckered up mug, the chain & collar she's wearing, or that terrific gleam in her eye (all three, actually) but I've always loved this photo. :yoda:
  48. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Agreed. They're fine for what they are but she can and ought to produce higher quality imagery on a more frequent basis. :2 cents: How's that for "non-toxic" criticism?
  49. R

    Tessa Fowler

    Not at all my favorite gallery of Tessa's but she should get points for trying to do something a bit different and off-center here. As for DELTA_F, you named your own solution, pal. Just drop your membership and look elsewhere.
  50. R

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Good for her. I'm glad she's making money and guys like us happy doing so. I sometimes tune in the MFC shows mostly to hear her voice for a while. It just knocks me out imagining what that must sound like in the throws of passion! (We old guys don't need a lot of inspiration since we long ago...