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  1. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    This is the most delusional thing that I have read on here in a while. Trump is going to get re-elected, the Democrats do not have a candidate that can defeat him. People in a majority of states will have elected him twice and that will give him his mandate to finish it. Any future president in...
  2. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    That idiot Mariah Milano has been reduced to sending me messages through her sig line because I won’t talk to her crazy ass anymore. Like this: 85 percent. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Then there are the other dumb fucks that get the numbers a little more accurate but still fuck it up. :1orglaugh
  3. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    I am saying that his powers to declare such an emergency are constitutional and the conservatives or at least most of them are going to side with the Trump administration and uphold his constitutional powers. It’s not a matter of wanting it to happen. It will. We are getting a wall and yes...
  4. Jack Davenport

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    What’s this? About the 5th time you have mentioned being neg repped? If I had known how emotionally fragile you are and how much negative rep scarred you, I probably wouldn’t have done it that ONE time. Then again, it certainly was deserved considering the fact that all your whining anti-Trump...
  5. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    SCOTUS will grant certiorari and will fast track the lower court rulings and injunctions. The Supremes and especially a RBG-less court will rule in favor of Trump. Suck it, Wilhelm.
  6. Jack Davenport

    Peter Strzok fired by FBI over anti-Trump texts

    Dude thinks he’s a lion.. hurr durr.
  7. Jack Davenport

    Peter Strzok fired by FBI over anti-Trump texts

    “Hey! Peoples are takin’ jabs at mah!” But to your point, you better start.
  8. Jack Davenport

    Tlaib denies reports that she was sworn in on thomas jefferson’s quran

    No one said that it would happen tomorrow dip shit. There is a concerted by Democrats and especially during the Obama administration to allow as many Muslims to emigrate as possible. They’re breeding like rabbits when they get here. 50 years from now, they’ll be at least 33 percent of the...
  9. Jack Davenport

    Peter Strzok fired by FBI over anti-Trump texts

    He hasn’t entered a sentence yet. You want real spot on prognostication, all we have to do is go back to the “2016 presidential candidates” thread. Your contributions were eerily accurate. :1orglaugh
  10. Jack Davenport

    Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) steps into the ring

    Will somebody please inform MeesterReynold’sWrap that Donald Trump has been very reluctant to commit American troops or engage in nation building. He lost his Sec. Of Defense because of his reluctance to go to war at the drop of a hat. In fact he gets a 10/10 from Sen. Rand Paul. He thinks Trump...
  11. Jack Davenport

    Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) steps into the ring

    And they just keep on climbing out of the clown car. :1orglaugh This is truly going to be one of the most entertaining Democrat debate and primary seasons ever! All we need now is a ringmaster. Hahahaha
  12. Jack Davenport

    Which democrat has the best chance against President Trump in 2020?

    And it keeps getting better. He’s as gay as a parade. :1orglaugh :1orglaugh Can’t wait for the rest of the clown car to announce. Crazy Bernie, Home wrecker Kamala, Spartacus, Bolt-neck Kerry, Lunch Bucket Joe.. It may be the first time in my life that I never even worry about the Democrat...
  13. Jack Davenport

    Missed me? 💋

    Damn right we missed you. Best.Cam.Girl.Ever.
  14. Jack Davenport

    State of emergency.

    Jonathan Turley >>>>>>>>>>>>> Idiot Napalitano. They will try and challenge but SCOTUS will rule in favor of Trump, a Ruth Bader Ginsberg-less court. Thoughts and prayers.
  15. Jack Davenport

    Big belly = small brain, study finds

    Not your best work.
  16. Jack Davenport

    Big belly = small brain, study finds

    What’s your excuse?
  17. Jack Davenport

    *lol* Democrats cave on DACA, Schumer Shutdown ends, no blue wave in sight

    This shit is out of control. The border wall and a SCOTUS decision overturning birthright citizenship will go a long way toward correcting all of this bullshit.
  18. Jack Davenport

    Trump Admin Moves Toward Shutting Down Food Stamp Loopholes

    A guy from “Spain” that owns a store near my office just had his EBT merchant privilege revoked for accepting food stamps as payment for beer and cigarettes.There is rampant fraud in this program. Immigrants that own stores pool food stamps together and buy mass quantities of merchandise from...
  19. Jack Davenport

    Are We Not Going To Talk About Racist Ron DeSantis??

    That racist just replaced Scott Israel as sheriff with a black man.
  20. Jack Davenport

    *lol* Democrats cave on DACA, Schumer Shutdown ends, no blue wave in sight

    So his father-in-law the army officer is really his cousin? Gross.
  21. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    Hey dumb ass, apprehensions are not representative of the problem of people actually CROSSING INTO THE UNITED STATES ILLEGALLY AND UNDETECTED!!! Apprehensions were up in 2018 by 100,000. You can stick...
  22. Jack Davenport

    The Official President Donald J. Trump appreciation thread

    And 2017 was one of the best in recent history. 2018 was a year of corrections. 2019 is off to the best start in 13 years. Don’t you have a President with a 20 percent approval rating or...
  23. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    Our fragile animal rights activist is always complaining about “ yer guys always takin’ shots at muh” and no one has even mentioned him in a week so he uses this thread as a coloring book. But since you mentioned it, you might want to get ready Billy Ray. We have a new AG on the way. Oh and by...
  24. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    So the border wall is the issue that triggers the libs the most. Fantastic. Because the defense budget has enough to fund the entire thing without further negotiations. Just declare the situation at the border a national emergency and let’s get on with it. Love it.
  25. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    He was elected by a majority of states, all states that voted for him because they want a border wall. Trump is getting ready to deliver and all of the court challenges will be fast tracked when SCOTUS will grant a writ of certiorari. Suck it libtards. Even liberal Jonathan Turley says Trump...
  26. Jack Davenport

    Rooth Baiter Ginnsberg Laughably Shitty Health Is Just What The Doctor Ordered For The Right!!!

    Sad! I am hoping she recovers and is able to return to the court...
  27. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    Trump and his kids and in-laws are going to prison. *lol out loud*
  28. Jack Davenport

    Remember when ....

    white power sign!!!!!!!!11111!!! Reported!!!!
  29. Jack Davenport

    Tlaib denies reports that she was sworn in on thomas jefferson’s quran

    50-77 percent of the world’s Muslims support Sharia law and are law abiding until such time that they could follow Sharia law only. Sharia is in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution. You are a prime example of mealy mouthed liberals and what is wrong with this country.
  30. Jack Davenport

    The Democrat House majority: CLOWN CAR IN A SHITSHOW thread

    “Sandy” Ocasio-Cortez : “ It’s ok for me to be stupid because like you know.. Trump.. like lies and stuff”
  31. Jack Davenport

    The Democrat House majority: CLOWN CAR IN A SHITSHOW thread

    Bwahahahahahahahaha Those SCOTUS justices tho.
  32. Jack Davenport

    The Democrat House majority: CLOWN CAR IN A SHITSHOW thread

    From the looks of things, Democrats are more interested in representing illegals more than American citizens. This bill is nothing more than posturing and talking points as legislation. “ anti-corruption” * lol out loud* John Conyers is waving hello. You have a world of shit storm problems in...
  33. Jack Davenport

    The Democrat House majority: CLOWN CAR IN A SHITSHOW thread

    The vast majority of payments from the slush fund to silence women sexually abused and harrassed has been on behalf of DEMOCRAT members of congress. NOW THEY ARE AGAINST CORRUPTION! :1orglaugh The best way to insure the integrity of every ballot cast is through voter identification which...
  34. Jack Davenport

    State of emergency.

    You leftists are always whining about freedom of the press. It was ratified during an era of only printing presses and town criers. Perhaps its usefulness ended with electronic and social media.
  35. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    *lol out loud* @ Milano sending me those love letters in her sig line. She’s claiming that 85 percent of illegals are visa overstays! LMMFAO!! Even liberal NBC says it’s not true...
  36. Jack Davenport

    Cover songs better than the original

    The cover: The original:
  37. Jack Davenport

    Hey Fellas, Tell Us About The First Time You Used Cocaine

    I came close to trying it when I was about 19 at a late night party. I chickened out, left because of people teasing me and never looked back. One of the best decisions I ever made in my life.
  38. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    Imposing martial law is justified in response to an invasion. An invasion is specifically referenced as cause to impose martial law. A state of emergency can certainly be declared with 1500 to 3000 illegal aliens crossing our southern border daily, which qualifies as an invasion. A fucking...
  39. Jack Davenport

    State of emergency.

    My Del-Ton AR-15 gives me the capability to pick off Dorito’s at 150 yards.
  40. Jack Davenport

    border worier

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  41. Jack Davenport

    The Elizabeth Warren Is An Awkward, Phony, Patronizing Cunt Thread

    Oh there’s plenty of stupid on your end, puh-lenty!
  42. Jack Davenport

    State of emergency.

    Yeah, that’s always the narrative from dumb fuck liberals. Pretty much everyone I know lives a healthy lifestyle unlike worthless liberal filth who spent most of their adult life watching MSNBC and stuffing their faces from their couch and consuming as many controlled substances as they can get...
  43. Jack Davenport

    Put together your alll-time 80's rock band

    Eddie Van Halen-guitar Neil Peart-drums Michael Schenker-guitar Tony Harnell-vocals Billy Sheehan-bass guitar Gregg Giuffria-keyboards
  44. Jack Davenport

    State of emergency.

    We’re not getting a Democrat President for at least 6 more years. The wall will start construction within 90 days. Oh and tearing down any wall that was built during Trump’s 2 terms in office will lead to Civil War 2.0 which will eliminate liberal ideology or at least send it into back room...
  45. Jack Davenport

    State of emergency.

    :rofl: :rofl: This is what happens when libtards become hysterical about their plans crashing down around them. They write shit like this to comfort each other. Oh he could use the defense budget to build the wall alright and he will if he has to. He has a legal team advising him of his options...
  46. Jack Davenport

    State of emergency.

    63,000,000 people in 30 states voted for a wall and it seems we are going to get one. I know you’d like to keep an endless supply of undocumented Democrats just walking across the border but it must end. Suck it. - - - Updated - - - 63,000,000 people in 30 states voted for a wall and it seems...
  47. Jack Davenport

    Border Wall

    Suck it up snowflakes. President Trump has the authority under the constitution to protect this country from invaders posing a threat to our sovereignty, national security and our economy. The fact that libtards oppose it is good enough of a reason to construct it.