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  • Yeah I saw it for a couple minutes last night.Surprised at the New Yorker ,must be looking to get some circulation by being controversial I guess.In a way it might be good as it does make people go over all the stupid stuff thay some believe about Obama.The he took the oath on the Koran and grew up muslim both of which of course are not true.Not that any of that domestic variety religious stuff is any different or better to me lol.But we know the more they can confuse people about it the better for them(the pubs).I still am waiting to see what the pubs will really do here as we get close ,how nasty will it get.A democrate should win easily and of course I will be voting for obama and will encourage everyone to.But I gotta say one more time that if you asked me a year ago who would be the strongest candidates for the 2 parties respectively,I thought clearly Mccain would be the strongest one for the pubs(and he is their nominee) and said but he will still definatley loose to anybody but maybe Obama for all the obvious reasons.I still think Edwards would have been the best choice and win in Nov. easily, and that after him Hillary would have best chance.I'm not saying Obama won't win ,man i hope so cause the pubs are really like Nazis IMO and gotta be just ran out of town A.S.A.P.. Tony Snow PFFFT!! lol,he was mouthpiece for a philosophy that is oppessing the workers of america and the world!I know I'm suppose to mourn the american Goebells like Cheney and Limbaugh did but I can't . So lets hope Obama wins but I still think being a black guy named Barak Hussein Obama sounds like a hurdle and fully expect those dirty pubs to try to use that as well as tell lies and put him in arab looking clothes in cartoons to make it sound more than it is to scare people.Obama will govern IMO much the same as a Bill Clinton did and thats just fine by me.So yeah keep telling people he's not muslim ,so what about his name ,we got to vote the nazis out!

    Sorry if I'm ranting lol.
    He guards over my page, making sure nobody posts anything untoward. Baby Selwyn is watching you leave messages.....
    FUCK Adebayor, we don't want him! Please! We want Ronaldinho and Eto'o or Ronaldinho and Drogba. Our stupid leaders are idiots. Our fans are calling for them all to step down. They are quite insane.

    Good luck to Arsenal. If they don't offload Ade, he might pop up and be brilliant you know. But we (Milan) don't want him for that money, we could get TWO players as good as him for that money and god we need them. Arsenal should sell if they can and you can see they want to.

    Liverpool may sign David Villa. Now THAT makes me happy.
    I like Obama's move to opt out of the federal funds for the campaign.While I am a big fan of the idea that the only money that should be allowed is that type of funding and not all the interest groups having so much influence with their money I take it as a sign that Obama is doing what I have mentioned before,do whatever it takes to win.All that matters in these things is who wins ,forget that free and fair elections stuff lol.Dems gotta fight like the pubs have no holds barred!
    I can't tell you. You'll want details.

    And pictures.

    And possibly videos.

    And you'll offer to be cameraman next year. :tongue:
    Hooray for a Spearmint Rhino!
    I'll be heading up your way tomorrow with my inner tube :D
    I just realised that sounded kind of perverted... in a Freeones pickup line sort of way. I think I've been reading too many senob posts lately.
    :p Thanks, man. There ain't much better than a kinky chick in fishnets willing to play with handcuffs. Well, maybe that and BEER.

    I'm thinking we need to find a way of making our avatars breed...
    It's going good, what's up with you? I went out to get ice cream because it is so friggin hot!
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