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  • I just saw your thread and i had heard about this the other day.You may not like my response in the thread,but its how i feel about such things.I care about what these people will do as public officals,not who they screw.

    As I can see you are fan of the spearmint rhino girls ;) They are always nice and big titted :boobies: If you want something more amazing than the Rhino girls you have the Bunny Ranch whorehouse in Vegas. Check the girls named Airforce Amy and Max. ;)
    I didn't know you were a fan of Macross, I know I was. Wonder if you watched the "Shadow Chronicles".


    Ain't nothing shaking but the leaves on the trees and they wouldn't shake if it wasn't for the breeze.
    Cool, we also share that date with Martina Hingis, Lacey Cherbet (probably spelled wrong), and Candice Michelle.
    No TR it's the Gadsden flag, one of the first flags of the united states, a precursor to the familiar stars and stripes design.
    Yeah well, I had to see a man about a horse. And oh, I have thought about fucking her.....and I think I'll think about it again tonight!!!!
    I still think they're ugly...but I didn't want to say it on the thread because people would call me racist.
    I have no doubt that Warner Bros. is extremely happy with the success of The Dark Knight. Now if only they can get off their collective asses and treat their other DC properties with the same respect. They should beg Nolan to direct movies based on other properties. Although Watchmen looks like it's going to be good.
    Yea I don't really know what those question marks are for hehe. Yea, I'm still messing around with photoshop. Trying to learn the art of designing :p
    you don't think "best movie of all time" is too much of a hype? A batman movie can only be so good, it's about a guy in a cape. I don't know, but I didn't particularly feel a real emotional resonance with that movie, it was just entertaining for a few hours.

    I'm not saying that every movie should be a reflection of society and our times and change the way we think or feel and define a generation, but I'd say that the best movie of the year, let alone all time, should be doing that.

    Think about a movie like Apocalypse now and what that spoke to people. Darknight had a few ambiguous moral messages like you said and quality acting, but it was mostly just action and suspense.
    bummer! but don't give up the raft. it may take a few forays to find your floating fox :)
    hi tr

    samir nasri is said to be the new zidane. He is young actually but quite talented.


    Hey TR. Yeah, I actually don't have a good coat yet. :( lol
    To tell you the truth, Becks and I had to move because you can not get a 1BR apt in North Jersey for under 1000/mo unless you want to live in a lousy apt or a bad neighborhood. As it is we are getting a beautiful 2 BR apt (with Becks' brother as the super) for only 450/mo. It was just a matter of not being able to afford NJ anymore.
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