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  • C
    Anytime. :) And thanks for the rep :hatsoff:
    Hi facetious

    I am not intending to become a stranger Facetious, simply these last month have been busy and somewhat hard for me. I might change work next year because the subsidiary for the firm I work foris downsizing and some of the best elements have gone elsewhere because of lack of perspectives. Investments aside collecting watches and fountain pens,I am beginning to spare money to buy a nice appartment in my town. About relationships, I see the friends I have but I am not really into a relationship with a lady yet because I haven't found the right one.
    I did.
    I'll try &
    I won't !

    I'd like to try and be online here every so often.
    My email in in my profile so you can always shoot me an email if you haven't seen me around.

    I was in Tampa for Christmas. Thought nobody would notice I was away. Maybe you still didn't. lol

    Hope you had a great Christmas.
    Oh my gob!


    I just have too much to do to run SOTW any longer!
    I can't be here enough to promote the thread so I am bowing out and such!

    I'll be around in a limited fashion, but you are always welcome at the Broker household!

    Email me if you like!

    Merry Christmas
    Hi Facetious, have a look at post #2895 (page 116) in the "What are you drinking right now" thread in the Freeone Talk forum if you haven't yet.

    You realize I wasn't trying to trivialize your thread my friend. It just seems that the pro gun people around here...at least myself...are tired of arguing with these numbskulls. They will never get it, because they don't want to, and the ones that do, just either are getting tired of sparing with the gun grabbers, or don't know how to move forward with the fight for our rights.
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