Rane1071 Jan 9, 2011 Funny, I was just going to say Hi and you beat me to it good to have you back :kiss:
Vanilla Bear Jan 5, 2011 Hey sweety, miss you! Hope you have a wonderful hump day! And I hope you're not too bored or anything not being allowed to ski! :lovecoupl Oh and Happy New Year of course! :kiss:
Hey sweety, miss you! Hope you have a wonderful hump day! And I hope you're not too bored or anything not being allowed to ski! :lovecoupl Oh and Happy New Year of course! :kiss:
Rane1071 Jan 2, 2011 Hey cutie, best wishes for the new year to you and the family, and good luck in the contest. :hatsoff:
Hey cutie, best wishes for the new year to you and the family, and good luck in the contest. :hatsoff:
marc56 Jan 1, 2011 Happy New Year, you delicious little canuck girl. :1orglaugh Hope to see more stuff on your site soon. xxx
Happy New Year, you delicious little canuck girl. :1orglaugh Hope to see more stuff on your site soon. xxx
Death-Proof-69 Jan 1, 2011 hey alisa, haven't talked to ya in a while...how ya been? happy new year btw!
Eric Lindros Dec 30, 2010 Thanks Alisa. Yep, I'm a man with experience hehe. Happy new year in advance!
Vanilla Bear Dec 29, 2010 The last Hump Day of the year! :eek: I hope you and your girls have a great one! Would love to get some of your cookies.
The last Hump Day of the year! :eek: I hope you and your girls have a great one! Would love to get some of your cookies.