Thats awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite Band in the whole world is from Toronto. THE BIRTHDAY MASSACRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have your heard them?
Yeah we have a lot - maybe a ton - in common with Canada. It's also very good health care for Minnesotans as well and good welfare, which are similar in Canada (I think?). We like our hockey more than other sport I would argue. I will certainly think of you when I score, or get in a fight!
That would be awesome. The m-to-f ratio isn't sufficient as it is. It is weird that some parts of Canada are warmer than the 'Sota, but it is the coldest state in the union. It's not bad and we are going to hit the rink across my parents street to shoot some puck in a bit as well. Eh, the snow always keeps the beers cold.
Oh, not too bad. Just holdin' it down here in MN. My birthday tonight and having some cocktails with friends watchin the games. It's been crazy cold like Canada here lately as usual. Woke up to like -5 the other morning. Anyway, stay cool cutie.
that's a bummer, sorry ya couldn't ski with them...for some reason i seem to remember something about you being pretty into skiing? anyway, i'm doing pretty good, happy with where my life's going and how things are working out these days
Was alright. We got a test back that we wrote the last day before the holidays. I was ill that day so I only got a C+. :o But I thought it would be even worse so I can live with it.
I'm good thanks, just taking it easy before I have to go back to work. Hope your keeping warm, don't want to rub it in but were having a heat wave here
Don't worry M12 saw my msg and told me where you was, good to see he's checking your visitor msgs and a bit worrying at the same time. LOL Wait he can't see this can he....god help me.... and he's German