~~whimsy~~ Sep 18, 2010 I am going to become qualified for home health care, my lover. I will always take care of you as I am able to do so.... :lovecoupl
I am going to become qualified for home health care, my lover. I will always take care of you as I am able to do so.... :lovecoupl
~~whimsy~~ Sep 18, 2010 Mine is going to be jam packed with awesomness oozing out of every orifice for sweaty exultation! In other words I will probably go for a walk. :o
Mine is going to be jam packed with awesomness oozing out of every orifice for sweaty exultation! In other words I will probably go for a walk. :o
Eric Lindros Sep 9, 2010 Thanks for the rep BB. Long time no talking between the two of us: how are you doing sir? I'm fine..getting married next year....yay..life is over!!!!
Thanks for the rep BB. Long time no talking between the two of us: how are you doing sir? I'm fine..getting married next year....yay..life is over!!!!
L L lurkingdirk Sep 7, 2010 Time for you to stir the pot. Do something interesting, won't you? (It can't involve pictures of wolves or cats.)
Time for you to stir the pot. Do something interesting, won't you? (It can't involve pictures of wolves or cats.)
L L lurkingdirk Sep 7, 2010 Is it just me, or has the board been just a wee bit dull for the last while?
L L lurkingdirk Sep 7, 2010 Oh, right. Fuck you, insensitive fucking bastard. But, you know, congrats all the same and all.