alexpnz May 24, 2010 I'm digging pics 1 and 5 the most....esp. 5! Go forth and make me proud Whimzee!!!:nanner:
alexpnz May 24, 2010 I 'm thinking maybe just one or no more than 2....i think 1 pic of her is classy and thats what i"m going for....whaddya think?
I 'm thinking maybe just one or no more than 2....i think 1 pic of her is classy and thats what i"m going for....whaddya think?
alexpnz May 24, 2010 Will do, shes sorta my "it" girl right now! You ever do a sig with one continuous pic instead of multiple?
Will do, shes sorta my "it" girl right now! You ever do a sig with one continuous pic instead of multiple?
freeryan May 22, 2010 Hey, I saw you answering Cobra's sig help thread and I've been wanting to make a sig of my own. If you're still answering requests, I'll send some pic links. Thanks.
Hey, I saw you answering Cobra's sig help thread and I've been wanting to make a sig of my own. If you're still answering requests, I'll send some pic links. Thanks.
alexpnz May 18, 2010 soon as I learn how to do that with my computer illiterate ass!!! :1orglaugh
alexpnz May 18, 2010 It's all good, I expected nothing less...I made the thread knowing the response it would get! :1orglaugh
It's all good, I expected nothing less...I made the thread knowing the response it would get! :1orglaugh
Skyraider22 May 14, 2010 Wow That was the most fucked up thing I have every seen.Thanks for nothing.:thumbsup::1orglaugh
Skyraider22 May 13, 2010 Sorry buddy no Russian connection it is private not federal it is a CCA prison.