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  • i always liked the term "ripping lips" when it comes to fishing.

    also, its that a tort in your profile pic?
    This is my moment of hypocrisy: I like the fact that the rules have relaxed slightly - My one and only ban so far was for telling Will E. "Fuck You...." oh; I'm sorry, it was just for that, by Georges, no less - but I also agree with you. I think I have that same .gif; might have to break it out. I think (hope) that the bullshit will weed itself out and there'll be a balance between before the "relaxation" of the rules and now.
    ...and I see what you there, too.

    It was the inspiration though. I have that pic with a "What....the....fuck" caption. In that scene, that's exactly what he was thinking imho.And now you know the rest of the story....:D
    Well; it's on that thread...it's pretty uneventful, and yeah...you're right. It's pretty fuckin' stupid.
    Yes, I still dream of sucking the farts out of Shevonne's fat ass! lolzers
    Kate was a passing fancy, I'm on to other things. Meh

    Fart=funny, no matter what age you are...whether you cut them or hear them.

    You too are a giant among cats and ugly chicks and my respect for you as an OG around here is immense.

    Hello ~~

    I miss our late night gabfests, I went thru all my old visitor messages and you had the most.
    Meh, memories....
    Doin awesome! Thanks for checkin in, 2012's been rather hectic so far... In a positive way though, gearing up for a lot of travel this spring and summer to shoot... Started directing a little this winter... Workin hard for my Best Cam Babe nomination... How have you been???
    Meh, I just don't enjoy it anymore. Plus a couple times I was really close to getting a DUI and I don't want to risk it because any time I'm out and drinking, I have no reserves about driving so it's not worth it
    Of course! Send it to me with a note letting me know that your from Freeones and I'll sign it and send it back. Please include a return stamped envelope. Visit my official site to get my address at alleybaggett.net

    Visit my site at alleybaggett.net
    P.S. VOTE FOR ME as Miss Freeones 2012!:kitty:
    You are obviously intelligent so why would you think you and your clique run a roost forever. Adapt.
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