Vlad The Impaler

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  • So how many times have you repped me? Three? So you owe me four more, plus an extra six for changing your name...
    Stupid the government should encourage people to recycle. If you know anyone that works in IT or an office sometimes they just give the old PCs away when they upgrade. Or maybe boot markets (people sell their old stuff) but I dunno if you have them over there? I normally get cheap 2nd hand PCs on eBay as I always end up with trojans and viruses and shit from all the porn I view and ends up beyond repair (not as if I can take it to a shop or show my IT specialist brother to look at!)
    LOL I've posted loads of those gifs in that gifs thread in the funny pics section, like short adult scenes lasting several seconds, take ages to load though even on a PC. Sometimes you can get PCs free or for virtually nothing when companies/people upgrade, I dunno about the US though. A PC will make watching porn easier!
    Not totally sure bit I yhink you can give out 15 reps max per day and can only rep the same person after 20 people or so. I've always liked Dracula too and thorougly enjoyed Bram Stokers Dracula (Coppola) as it alludes to Vlad The Impaler at the beginning. Interesting bit of trivia but I bought a cheap DVD once about Vlad The Impaler called Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula (alternately titled Dracula: The Dark Prince and Dark Prince: Legend of Dracula) who was played by the actor Rudolf Martin, now this is the same guy that played fictional Dracula (based on Vlad) in that one one off episode of Buffy, weird eh. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Prince:_The_True_Story_of_Dracula , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Martin
    I'm good..It's all good. I was debating on what I was going to do about that post and Lurky posted before I could decide so I'll just leave it now.

    having a good weekend?
    But Vlad19 was original! I liked Vlad19! Vlad The Impaler makes you sound like one of those users that comes on here and creates a thread titled "OHMGAD HOT CHIX IS THE HOT OR NOT". Now you're probably going to develop your own catchphrase so whenever you see a photo of a woman you'll say "I'd like to impale that... with my COCK!"
    Yeah, give me an image or images. Tell me what else you want:
    - do you want it animated or scrolling (like my current siggy) or just standard.
    - do you want your name on it somewhere?

    Stuff like that. I'll make one or two and let you choose which one you want.
    Hey man I totally agree with you. It seems to be the fashionable thing to do, talk shit about our country. They wouldn't feel the need to do it if they weren't so insecure about their own. True pride means you don't have to sling mud at the other.
    When did you become the Impaler? :dunno: I almost insulted you until you said you were posting from a phone. I didn't think we had two Vlads restricted to phone use... :D
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