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  • Yeah, I sincerely doubt I'll be rushing to the theaters to see that one as well. But I kinda lost alot of hope when I heard Sommers was going to be directing. Needless to say, he's not one of my favourites in the directing chair.
    I know what you mean. Same here as well with those two. Unfortunately, I was more of a Joe fan when I was a kid than of the TF's, but I cant say I'm really anticipating that "Rise of Cobra" movie ... at all.
    Ok ... I liked it alright. It's definately more Star Wars than anything I've EVER seen out of anything named Star Trek, but I suppose thats something that had to be done in order to appeal to the mass audiences. Entertaining though.

    Waiting anxiously for Terminator now.
    Thanks for the info. I think it's interesting that Abrams decided to make this a new alternate reality so everything that came before it isnt necessarily out of continuity. Oh, and I'll be seeing this tomorrow .. hopefully.
    Sorry to hear about your mom. Yeah, I'm aware that there are a number of the more hardcore trekkies hating this movie because it's more action packed and whatever like Star Wars, and then there are alot of people who have found interest in this new Star Trek because of the same reason. I'll likely check it out soon enough, as my girlfriend seems to like Trek and SW evenly (yeah I've been calling her "Trekkie" as of late hehe), but tell me .... is the chap playing Kirk even remotely likeable? As he just comes across as standard MTV casting from the trailers and such. Though that's all I'm basing it on. :D
    Well, I've never been much into Star Trek. I once worked with a nurse who knew all about that stuff and was much more of a "Trekkie" or "Trekker" than he was with Star Wars .. where with me I was a Star Wars fan and know hardly anything about Star Trek. Never watched any of the shows, or films to be honest. Although I will admit I do have something of a low grade interest in the material .. it's just never really got to that point where I actually sat and watched anything related with Star Trek .... would this movie be a good starting point?
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