Vanilla Bear
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  • I know.I was in Berlin 3 years ago at the Venus,and it was full of flesh.That much so,I didn't
    know where to look :1orglaugh

    I'm hoping to go there again soon,either this or next year....we will see :) But I enjoyed Berlin
    a lot,and I have still a lot of Berlin I have not saw yet,so it will be worth my while going there a
    second time :D
    I hope so! :) I've got another date tonight! :D:nanner: How is your Hump Day, my friend? :dunno::iloveyou:
    Yes, Gunther is my character. It's completely my sense of humour, so it makes sense it might not understand. It is supposed to go like this: Mathias and Maria are friends from high school who have lost touch and accidentally run into each other at a bus station while travelling Europe; Mathias is travelling alone while Maria is travelling with her new friend Goldilocks. Gunther is just a strange guy sitting next to them that for whatever reason knows all this information about the three of them and can break the fourth wall. I didn't have enough charactes, obviously. :tongue:
    Hi Maley.All is good here and i'm doing fine.Although with this dark weather,I need some summer sun and some titties :D

    All the best to you man and take care :glugglug:
    Sure is! :yummie::beer::yummie:

    Happy Sunday (well Monday now, I suppose... :crying:) to you as well my friend!! :kiss::iloveyou:
    haha, awesome. i dident know mods couldnt rep. totally lame! "with much power blah blah blah" you know the story! *upsidedown spiderman kiss*
    All the better for hearing from ya! But I did oversleep waaaaay too much, and as a consequence, missed a booty call ....meh
    Oh really? Well you don't need to know, because I'm not drinkin it.

    You know what Irish coffee is though right? It's that minus the coffee. Off to work I go!

    Nah, I jest. I'm not working today.
    Oh nothin. Just waking up with folgers in my cup.

    It's not really folgers but you get the point.
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