Vanilla Bear
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  • (FO said your private inbox is too full, so I'm sending you my message on here :) Maleyyy I need your help! I posted a new thread called "The electric daisy carnival" and I really need to resize the picture that I posted in it because I didn't realize how big it was! Can you either resize it for me or delete the picture so I can post it resized right? :) Thank youuuu :D <3
    Ich habe eine Vermutung bzgl der Anpfiffzeiten. Die Spielzeiten haben sich nach den Sendern, sprich ARD und ZDF gerichtet. Stichwort Quoten. Das Eröffnungsspiel der Damen bringt abends wohl bessere Quoten als tagsüber und das andere Spiel muss ja auch noch gespielt werden vom Zeitplan her. Und spät abends will das wohl dann auch keiner mehr sehen (denke ich)
    I know you're sleeping, but I'm only 182 MyFo points away from my towel!! :D:nanner::nanner:
    Hey mein clansman. Good to hear from you and hope you are well.

    I miss this place too old friend and wish I could be here more. As great as country life and married (in all but name) life are, they leave little room for the freeones :(
    Maley... my footsie has a boo-boo. :( Stupid flip-flops, hurting me. My feets need lots and lots of lovin'...
    Wow! OMG, thanks baby!! :kiss::kiss::kiss: You have a great week, too. :partysml: I've been on vacation this week and I've been trying to get on FO when I can. Seeing that giant smilie really made my day today. You're wonderful, truly. :iloveyou: :wave:
    It's the name of the Ramms+ein song that's been stuck in my head since last night, but on the album it's spelled "tu," not "tue" like you wrote. Is that the same as when people say u instead of you?
    Ich hab eine (einer?/einem?/:dunno::helpme:) frage für dich: was meint "Ich tu dir weh"?

    I have no idea if that even made sense, but I think you get my meaning. :hatsoff:
    I'm well and not well. I lost my cozy little job because I wasn't Chinese... :crying::dunno:
    Nah haven't forgotten. Just busy and whatnot. How you been? Still doing your classes for the soon to be EMT job?
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