Vanilla Bear
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  • You know what maley, I thought about that when I changed it and since its a classic Ill change it back ;)
    Really good, been busy lately but catching up with my porn fix in a huge way, Amia Maley is incredible, she has great feet and I know how you love feet ;)
    Just imagine how happy (HORNY) I'd be if the Patriots won another Super Bowl! :sex: ;)

    It's not cheating if I WANT you to do other girls ... as long as you tell me all the hot details later!! :elaugh: Besides, if we have s threesome, you'll have no choice but to "cheat." :D

    Take care, love!!! :kiss:
    Just a football fan in general.
    Partial to Giants, Steelers and Bears.
    How is it that you are a Jets fan from Germany??
    Hey bro, ich hoffe das klärt sich mit Alisa. Ich weiss ja, dass du ihr "näher" standest. Muss doch nen Grund haben
    Ist gestern 4. geworden

    Das ist Azita Ghazinada. Hab sie heute in How I met your mother gesehen und war sofort angetan =)
    Sie hat ne sexy Polizistin gespielt, die Barney angeblich rumgekriegt haben will. In Wahrheit hat sie ihn aber festgenommen und in den Knast gesteckt lol
    You're so sweet. Hope you're having a great day!
    Things are good! It's my day off today. But I'm a bit irritated with the FOI board right now ... a moderator basically threatened me, and when I responded, my post "disappeared." I filed a complaint, but if nothing's done about it I may have to move on, sadly. :crying:
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