I don't know to much about German cars.
I was looking at renting a few cars for some sets I was thinking a Lamborghini would be a really sweet.Though still not German but I'm getting closer. I love that as well.
Bigger isn't always better. It's how the guy uses it to me. He can be huge and suck and a guy can be average and rock my world. It's more the guy than the penis for me anyway.
I really don't but I do try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Fake people once you talk to them long enough you can see through even online. I'm glad you have been.
Your taller than me woohoo. I'm so not use to that.I don't think so. So you were right you are my type.
Eyes!!! I also have a thing for bald or long hair. Being fit or even a little over weight I'm cool with. PERSONALITY Can make someone I'd see as average totally hot as hell.
If he has a horrible personality doesn't matter what he looks like. I'm not into guys that are overly physically fit.