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  • Yeah Katie have nice legs :) (sorry 4 the late)
    Seen the finale of tough enough glad that Sara Lee wins it!, Even if Amanda where better in ring (can't stand that bitch who think that she better and look hotter than everyone else) so i'm glad that Sara beat blondie bitch :)
    + It could be interessing to see Sara vs Paige in the future... (cat fight!!! lol)
    Yes, she seems the type of woman that shave her pussy....or least has got a pornstripe. I see her as the type of woman that likes to feel sexy, by being a pornstripe looks like her type of thing.
    Pam, is always such a hot sight :)! Unbelievable how she still looks, a goddess allright........a true goddess......
    Oh yes that is a nice pic. I like she is not wearing underwear under that skimpy little dress. Pamela, oh Pamela......I've always worshipped her and aways will, she was the perfect all American dreambabe! And still, still she is a goddess, a vision of perfection and beauty....
    Her voice, her smile, her dyed Blonde hair, her sexy somewhat flat tush, her incredible legs and those legendary rock hard fake tits, the perfect woman!
    Might be nice for next time, when you shoot your big load on her incredible tits...she lets it slide down and drip her fabulous body. She then wipes most of it off with her fingers, sticks her fingers in her mouth, licking them clean. She then puts on her dress on her still largely wet with cum body, decides to let her fabulous body dry the cum, with her dress sticking to it. So when she walks, it tears a little on her body beacuse the dress is now stuck to her body due to the sticky cum that dried up. And it remembers her through the rest of the day, what an hot and amazing horny adventure she just had with you.
    Seen the two first tough enough episode last night, she's the most beautiful girl in this season (not very difficult lol)
    She's ok, "sans plus" i prefer the coach (Lita) :heart:
    Yup i understand, actually the only thing i see of her is that small video that you posted, So i can't really tell maybe if i see her in action i would change my mind :dunno:
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