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  • Yeah, I like ...

    OBD, Gail Kim, Talia Madison aka Velvet Sky, Angel Williams aka Angelina Love, just love every TNA Knockout. I don't have any dislikes in female wrestlers/valets in women wrestling, yeah I know that has to be surprising to know like every female wrestler and valet!
    I like both of them, women wrestling xposed talks lot about the women wrestling news, the lastest news about them, same goes with red hot divas, they talk about them as well! Not, only that... they show pics of them, about their latest photoshoots, personally love the Mickie James, Natalie Neidhart aka Natalya.
    Yeah Carlito was unhappy, but now it's all good, cause he's been drafted to SD.Im a Kennedy fan also, but I like him more as a heel.
    supposely Carlito bro is gonna show n they will tag. Carlito is very unhappy so they say. Kennedy I like but I am bored with him I guess,
    I think they try to make it interesting again, so people can turn in, to see next week. I guess, he can't handle the pressure, since you have TNA! Which, starting to be major BIG!
    Yep, I'm glad Carlito and Kennedy went to SD, cause now they can both be properly used.
    News to me.....
    WWE Supplemental Draft results, courtesy of WWE.com:

    Drafted to WWE Raw:

    Jamie Noble (SmackDown);

    Deuce (SmackDown);
    Chuck Palumbo (SmackDown);
    Matt Striker (ECW);

    Layla El (ECW);

    Kofi Kingston (ECW);

    Drafted to WWE SmackDown:

    Trevor Murdoch (Raw);

    Big Daddy V (ECW);

    DH Smith (Raw);

    Brian Kendrick (Raw);

    Maria Kanellis (Raw);

    Shelton Benjamin (ECW);

    Carlito Colon (Raw);

    Drafted to ECW:

    Mark Henry (SmackDown);

    Hornswaggle (SmackDown);

    Super Crazy (Raw);

    David 'Fit' Finlay (SmackDown);
    I like Michelle McCool, Mickie James, Melina, Maria, and Maryse only because they are fucking hot!
    Yeah, finally SD is getting better.I hope that we will get to see a Edge vs HHH feud soon.
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