The term human resourcing isn't flattering at all. Resourcing of humans for work. At least a time ago they were called personnel services. Ah the stoic days of today...
My cat doesn't like catnip but she likes cereal milk, butter off toast, spicy chips, pringles especially, and small pieces of pepperoni and sausage off a pizza.
Indeed ....'Oh, he's really friendly' ... until you let him run loose and the pack mentality takes over, as it must, as it always does ..... oddly, ever since 'the incident' they seem rather terrified of me. Heheheheheh .... touch my cats, you fuck with The Devil himself!
Ah I've seen the tragedy of a dog getting a hold of a cat before. Sad. Thankfully if I should ever partake in a divorce the cats will be off limits. Unless they came into by the wife.
I just have my one cat. My other cat was ran over back in '03, she was a little stray, I adored her. Rare breed with such soft, fine fur. Ah! She was lovely. I never really did much with strays after I had my original cat I have now but that one was a great one. But she enjoyed being outside too much. I tend to have indoor cats to keep them safe from cars and other stuff. Especially since there is the occasional owl out on the prowl around here.