A A absolutehell Nov 27, 2010 Hello Tay, Thanks for adding as a friend.Love, hugs and kisses sweet pie.voting for you everyday.
TheVern Nov 27, 2010 Taylor. I am sorry about everything you have gone through and that you had to go to the hosiptal. Glad you are doing well and my heart goes out to you and your late father
Taylor. I am sorry about everything you have gone through and that you had to go to the hosiptal. Glad you are doing well and my heart goes out to you and your late father
Shifty Nov 11, 2010 Tay, heard you on the Dean Blundell show this morning. Sounds like you had fun! ;) www.edge.ca/Blogs/DeansBlog/BlogEntry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10162088
Tay, heard you on the Dean Blundell show this morning. Sounds like you had fun! ;) www.edge.ca/Blogs/DeansBlog/BlogEntry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10162088
Master806 Oct 26, 2010 Good luck for the miss FO contest!! I love your look and your boobs andyour glasses too..!! mmmhh