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  • Thanks, I'm not sure if I'm going to try it if the delivery times are so slow. If it takes two weeks to get the games to Windsor, I can't imagine what it would be like to get it out to Saskatoon. The site offers a free ten day trial, which made me laugh; you'd barely get the game before they'd charge you a month for it. I'd be really awesome if they had a Western werehouse that was based in Calgary or something, but I don't know if I'd want to pay thirty bucks a month for a service that would take a month sending the game to me. I wouldn't really care about new releases so long as I could get games fast, but it doesn't seem like that's possible. Thanks for the info.
    Hey Diva, do you still use Game Access? I was thinking about signing up for it and was hoping to find out if it's worth the money.
    Hey, have you tried Netflix yet? It just came out in Canada a couple days ago and I'm trying to find opinions on it. Apprently you get a free month when you sign up but the selection in Canada is a little spotty.
    That is one SWEET sig. No idea how AR managed to make it, must be some new program I don't yet know about. That spray paint looks so lifelike!
    Hey! Thanks for the KitH rep! Pantera is still one of my favorite bands after all this time. I think that's why I don't like 'greatest hit'/'best of' compilations. I'd rather hear the albums. :glugglug:
    What the hell good are you STD if you're wasting perfectly good opportunities to LP a noob?

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