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  • i have a message from god...ok, well not god but close....actually not really close to an omnipotent entity but ....oh fuck it, here's your damn message:

    I didn't totally get office space but then I've never worked in an office. I do trust all I know that have and say it was an amazing movie though.
    Howdy! :wave:

    Hope everything is going well. By the way, thanks for the Rainn and Seth rep :D
    I know, right? amazing cast, great writers, great director of photography, and yet...entirely forgettable. Oh well.
    Thank you very much for your Congratulations! See you there ...

    Greetings from Berlin

    Sandra Bullock is one of your Favorites, you see something from all German Genes is produced. She is very gorgeous and yet incredibly natural.
    Germany and your Women ... [img]
    I basically make my own hours. I don't care where I land a job, whatever gets my foot in the door, I am good to go. If it supplies a decent paycheck I will stay as long as I can. Unless something better comes up.
    Ah that sucks. Well, you're home now, it is Saturday. Have a 6 pack on me.

    I'm doing well. Landed a temporary, but cozy, landscaping job where I pretty much call them up and ask if they want me over for the day to work. Though I'm still looking for something more providing.
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