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  • Hat mich interessiert und da bin ich im Netz auf ein Forum von Sinologiestudenten gestossen. Da hab ich gefragt. :hatsoff:
    Vielleicht sollten sich manche ein ordentliches Katana schnappen und dann deinen Namen übersetzen...:D
    My German friend, we may not see eye to eye, but trust me... Your words do have meaning, sorry about coming off like like that... I'm not the true cowboy type, I just like having a backup plan...

    Maybe sometime in the future, we can go to the pub, get a pint of Krystalweissen, and have a good old time!
    If that's your definition, then I guess I'm manly too, because I'm certainly not taking any shit from you. And not that it matters, but yeah I got a lot of friends.

    Go on, say something wise and witty to counter that, I can barely contain my excitement...
    "Where I come from, a man is also measured by his words."

    Wow, they must fucking hate you.
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