Just dropping in to say hello. Heard allready from becks you've settled allready ... Hope you have a good weekend, don't work always ... take the misses out for awhile and enjoy ... Those boxes aren't going to run away ...
Went to the hospital last Thursday. Surgery by the end of Septenber (little "stones" in my salivary glands)
Everything s okay here, missed you around, but what the hell, your private life is much more important then a bulletin board.
Hey, man, how's it going? I haven't been around that much lately due to a serious work overload (105 hours in 9 days). How's Green Bay treating you? Have you started job hunting yet? When's the housewarming party?
He steps on the clutch and the toilet goes flush. I know what you mean about the new mods. But then again, aren't mods pricks to begin with? I'm suprised no one's said that on the "Prick" thread.