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  • Your bird didnt sleep tonight. :o

    Guten Morgen (Good Morning) Schwesterherz. Have a wonderful day.

    Hope youll find more "worms". Sorry I ate them all. :(
    Ok, no prob :D and thanks for the add ! Read carefully the rules ezteban, the rules.... ;) !
    Awww. She is too cute! :crying: Thank you so much Schwesterherz.

    I was kidding with the reading and writing part. ;) But Im still so excited that she wanted to answer. Please give her a kiss from me and tell her that I am so happy she did that and that I love her very much! :lovecoupl
    Hey Ava honey. :lovecoupl Im okay thank you. You dont need to worry when the sky booms. Especially, because your mommy and of course me will always take care of you and protect you. :)
    Have a good night baby. Sleep well and have wonderful dreams. I love you. Give me a kiss. *hugs* :kiss:

    Hey Schwesterherz, when I said Süße (also sweetie) I actually meant you. But Im so excited Ava answered. :) Unbelievable she can already read and write. ;)
    Sorry to hear you both couldnt sleep last night. I hope this night is going to be better for you.
    Love you, too.
    No problem meine Süße. Glad you and Ava are okay. :)

    I slept almost the whole day anyway, because I dont feel too good.
    I just changed my opinion concerning moderators :D, You are all very interesting persons and above all open minded. May I be your friend ?
    No problem sis, Ill take care of the posts later. You can go to dreamland. :) ;)
    Looking forward to read the long letter.

    Who do you mean by you all? :confused:

    Anyway good night. Love you.
    Awwww Jamany?! How cute is that?! :lovecoupl

    I would take her to Jamany! But I guess you and dd would not like to see that. ;)

    Btw yeah I just came home and will take care of the reported posts a little later. Or what did you mean about the reported posts?

    Good Night Schwesterherz. Sleep well and have wonderful dreams. :kiss:
    Good Evening Schwesterherz and meine süße Ava (my sweet Ava).

    Well, I guess shes already asleep. Then good night Süße (sweetie), sweet dreams. :lovecoupl
    Hey just wanted to say that please dont give Ava a kiss from me if you wake her up with that. Let her sleep. :lovecoupl

    Just give her a good morning kiss from me when she wakes up in the morning then. :)
    hello pussy+dickdenice,
    Ive registered a few minutes ago and started a thread, unfortunately I posted more then 5 pictures/links in my thread (now i´m afraid my thread wasn´t allowed). Do I have to start a new thread with only five links, or are you mods going to delete the other links?
    greetings, collector
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