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  • That's kind of sad. There isn't really any difference between me and you(save our sexes). We are both human.

    I hope you are going to have a good weekend.
    So far I can say I wish I wasn't. Today was one of them all around bad days here for my family and for them as their vehicle stopped running on a high way. Now I know that has nothing to do with it I guess I would just like my own bed tonight it's comforting.
    Oh I feel very honored then. I love being on the board. I'm also happy I get to be in July I was worried I might only get on when at home. I'm house sitting. :(
    Thanks for the rep :thumbsup:
    You have just seen me on the board huh?? I haven't been hiding from you....honest!! :tongue:

    Good to meet you :hatsoff:
    Thanks a lot for the "jokes" rep.
    We'll make sure her thread will be still alive, my friend.

    Have a nice wekend. :hatsoff:

    What rule did I break? Is this a copyright thing? If so....sorry. Please explain.

    In post #1893 of the Busty Merilyn Sakova thread you said:

    Re: Busty Merilyn Sekova / Sakova
    Here's the green gown.
    EDIT: Do not attach images if it is not the 1st post of the thread. Link them. Read rules.

    [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator pussy+dickdenice]
    [Read more about the board rules: here]
    Last edited by pussy+dickdenice; Today at 11:02.

    I don't understand this "rule". As I understand what you are saying there can be only one image and that as the 1st post of the thread. How come the posts of antoniorosa, #1831 and #1887 haven't received the same warning. At least mine is a photo of Merilyn from her Facebook site. Also, why is the photo at #1836 allowed? It's not Merilyn.

    All I ask is consistency.
    I'm a fool for not writing you earlier. When I woke up I thought about you, but when I started my PC I forgot to write you! :o Aaaaanyway....Today was Father's Day in Germany (and other parts of the world I'm sure).

    I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I hope you are doing well. I'm sure Usha and Ava celebrated you today.

    All the Best,

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