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  • Yay 10,000 page views at my blog. I know that's shit in the grand scheme of things, but I'm a novice and I'm easily impressed lol! I think I need to whore my blog some more! :elaugh:
    Hey guys & girls thanks for dropping by. I hope you are enjoying my blog. I really enjoy creating the posts. I have even learnt some HTML along the way too! I normally leave all technical stuff to my BF, but I'm getting better. I've got a few ideas for the new year and there will definitely be some new theme pages too. If you haven't seen it please drop by and take a peek, site details in contact info. All that remains is to wish everybody a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year, and remember if you can't be good, be naughty! xx
    Wow, that's a very interesting story - and don't worry, I don't think you're a slut; you know I'm not the one to judge, right? ;)
    Turtle, I dunno if this counts as crazy, but I've had a threesome with my ex-girlfriend, and my boyfriend. Now this is probably making me sound like a slut, but I'm really not. I'm a good middle class girl, ok so I like to tease and flirt and I like to a bit adventurous, but I don't sleep around. The vast majority of my sexual experiences have been with people I know really well or love. My ex-girlfriend is my best friend ever and I love her loads, but it became obvious that I wasn't a lesbian and was bisexual.

    Anyway, to cut a long story short. My BF wasn't allowed to touch my ex-GF. My BF was happy for me and my ex GF to do our thing, surprise, surprise! It was early in the relationship and I think he just wanted to have a threesome lol! So with the rules in place it was nothing like a porn threesome, but it was good and we all enjoyed it. After the event though it's emotionally difficult, especially if you have strong feelings for both of the other people involved, like I have.
    Hey there sexy princess, I have a random question for you if you don't mind: what's the craziest sexual experience you have ever been through?

    So would I, pink hair totally rocks! Check out Nina Terror, she's totally hot and pink.♥ Happy Thanksgiving.
    I hope you're enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend, sweetie :)
    *Btw, I'd totally go out on a date with a girl with pink hair ;)
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