Hi Petra,
Hows it going? I was wondering whats up with personal Albums, cant seem to add, remove from albums I have created. I was sure I could do so before.
My sigs are always getting taken down. Some of the pics I've post on message boards have been taken down too. I look elsewhere and other jabronis have their pics and sigs in their full glory. You know what, we're gonna settle this...in the upcoming Oil Cage Match of Doom.
Hey Petra, could you check out this thread if you get the chance? It's a "Mr. Freeones" contest and I was wondering what you and the other team members think of the idea. http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?t=351019
Hey Petra, my signature isn't showing up for some reason... I have the boxed "show signature" box checked under my profile. When I go into the signature editor, it shows up when I hit preview, but not when I'm posting. Think you can help? Thanks. (I sent this to Erik too, just in case)
Thanks, for the friend request, Petra. I really appreciate it, and to know have a female member, as part of my friends. I find it cool ''us ladies, ''us female members'', always have eachother's support.
hey petra,
quick ques...if the only lead on a babe you have is a vid , and its not a sample vid but a lenghty one, how can I make a post to ID her without breakin board rules man !!!