Master806 Feb 2, 2010 Hi Miss how are you tonight? I think that be 11 and then 49 it's weird..But I think you'll get the 3rd round!!
Hi Miss how are you tonight? I think that be 11 and then 49 it's weird..But I think you'll get the 3rd round!!
TheVern Feb 2, 2010 Congrats on making the top 50. I will send requests out later. Have a good week, you sexy mf
MissHybrid Feb 1, 2010 Right I would like everyone to get a vote in for me... if I can get up in the rankings early on I may hold out against the machine!.. Please leave requests and I will do my best xxx
Right I would like everyone to get a vote in for me... if I can get up in the rankings early on I may hold out against the machine!.. Please leave requests and I will do my best xxx
MissHybrid Feb 1, 2010 Hey everyone. I cant believe that I made it to the top 50. When I was down at 154 in the middle of January it looked like there wasn't a chance. So a big thank you to everyone that risked wasting their vote for me xxxxxxxx
Hey everyone. I cant believe that I made it to the top 50. When I was down at 154 in the middle of January it looked like there wasn't a chance. So a big thank you to everyone that risked wasting their vote for me xxxxxxxx
J J jtcarra Feb 1, 2010 hello my luv things going good i had a very hot date this weekend hope to talk to you soon
Rebecca Jessop Jan 31, 2010 dont understand this then All times are GMT +2. The time now is 06:58 PM. ?
MissHybrid Jan 28, 2010 Right... all my friends on here... if you want to see me in round two I think you may need to get off your collective asses and vote xxx Even if I dont make it I will still be on here
Right... all my friends on here... if you want to see me in round two I think you may need to get off your collective asses and vote xxx Even if I dont make it I will still be on here
TheVern Jan 28, 2010 Yes it was the Hyrbid Airlines artwork. I love the pics of you in the kitchen. I can't wait to see what sort of fun you you can have in your bathroom.
Yes it was the Hyrbid Airlines artwork. I love the pics of you in the kitchen. I can't wait to see what sort of fun you you can have in your bathroom.