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  • Well, I actually have something interesting to tell, I thought I broke my ankle yesterday. I fell over on it awkwardly and heard and felt a "crack", and so I went to the hospital for 5 hours!!!!! Had a X-Ray and got the all clear.

    But I looooooooove the extra strength pain pills they gave me, how should I say this? I feel "higher than a motherfucker" :D
    Where were you flaming Hank? he is one of the kings of guitar.If you say it was the guy who played with Cliff Richard I have vid you should see.Yeah cooking and then the dishes is a real drag lol.
    Hank Marvin,the guitarist? Rule one,never go to stores and shop on Black friday lol.Everything will get cheaper as we get closer to xmas anyway.
    That commercial is about right but those are even better with real potatoe pieces lol.Mine are just powdered flakes,but they come out good lol.I remeber the fridge of course,thats going back(1985) when the Bears won it all.My Giants won it all in 86 and the bears was one of the teams we crushed on the way lol.I used to love the Sat night live bit they did on bears fans and Ditka.
    Ok game one is over final was 47-10 lol.Just fired up oven to pre-heat it.Food will be done in about 40 minutes.Chow down during game 2 in which Dallas is playing Seattle,I HATE Dallas and hope they lose bad and some of them get hurt.
    potatoe flakes?smash gets mash lol,corn?sweetcorn??on the cob?
    i had chicken southern fried style n baked spud wi cheese n colesaw
    I'm having bird but not turkey lol.Making chicken,with stuffing and corn and mashed potatoes.All of it the easy kind to make though.You know potatoes flakes from a box stuffing the same,corn was frozen.About the only all natural thing is the chicken,what a age we live in lol.
    No its zero wins ,eleven losses lol.Tennesee just lost their 1st game of the season last week.They and my NY Giants are now tied with best records at 10-1.Detroit got lucky and scored before the half to make it 35-10.
    Thanks ! Watching a blow out football game right now.Detroit who is 0-11 is losing to tennesee who is 10-1 35-3 as we get close to 1/2 time.
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