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  • Crazy eh? Within 2 months we had federal canadian election, Obama elected in our neighboor country and now... provincial elections. If we have another election, i think i'm going on strike! :D
    Good thanks :)

    Been voted earlier (provincial elections over here) and it's bleedin cold over here too.
    NP hope that is a good link that does what you want.Buisness cards might be hard to do at home.Unless you can buy blanks.Might be better off with a paper hand out flyer type of thing that you can use plain paper and printer for.
    I hear ya,hows the weather got colder here high of about 30 today.Where my brother lives(Minnesota) is much worse.Single digits at night.BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
    3 weeks ago i thought the same for you ;) had some holidays or just freeones-offtime?
    You would have to live here to understand.Bush is really the example of how a lot of us see Texas.Bible crap,racist,nationalistic,militaristic.All the things most europeans also find offensive and dangerous a lot.They didn't vote for Obama lol.
    Well they are division rivals, but it's more than just that.NY area and Texas are like night and day.We see Texans (in general lol) as stupid rednecks who are so backward and right wing politically as compared to us they are like from another planet.They used to call themselves "americas team" which made us mad too.Texas represents the worst of america IMO.Stupid cowboy type mentalities,like our out going President who was from Texas.The state with the most guns ,most murders,most executions etc. We are more civilized then they are.We should give Texas back to the mexicans (which we stole it from lol).
    Yeah cold and windy here.Giants didn't score gave ball back and eagles with 20 seconds before half went for field goal.Giants blocked it and scored a touch down!!!!!!
    Dolphin game will depend on where their playing ,if its in buffalo I would think Dolphins are in trouble(very cold there).
    Ravens vs Redskins might be good game, I will be hoping Ravens win as even though they are far behind us the redskins are in same divison with Giants.Really hope steelers beat dallas(most hated team for Giants fans).

    Watching Giants game.Playing one of our arch rivals Philly.Giants favored but losing 10-0 getting close to 1/2 time.:mad:Giants have ball maybe we can get something before half.:bowdown:
    It was awesome! That was the first time I'd ever paid to see a rock show, and it was quite strange. The show was great, though. Good enough that I went back and saw them 2 days later, for their next show (this time I didn't pay, of course). I guess you could say I bought a 2 for 1 ticket. :D
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