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  • Hi!
    So never seen " A christmas story"?
    Great movie, very american though.I guess others may not find it as good as we seem too.
    Freezing rain,some flakes falling here.
    Nothing major going on,eat and then watch TV,probably the game,not even sure who plays.Out my window? Nope no bright lights or big city that close lol.This is the suburbs.Out my window is parking lot,past that is field of an elementary school and the the school.Behind that is a major highway called the Garden state parkway on one side or houses that go for a long ways on the other.How about you,whats the plan?
    :wave: Mini.

    Krypto the Super dog, Streaky the Super cat, and Comet the Super horse have nothing on the Mini. ;)

    Who knows, but if I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together ;) lol
    Just getting there.Gets dark about 4:30 here right now.Very mild here,about 50 degrees.Was on the phone with my bro last during game.He is in MN and it was 4 degrees.Not suppose to get above zero today and be like that for a while.BRRRRRRRRRRRR
    I read it but I couldnt hear it. How about this one from his latest project: Oh bloody 'ell I'm 'orny as fuck! Tor, ya bloody wanker git over 'ere and take me now!

    Wait, no.. that's just my imagination. :p
    Of course you do! You with your english eyes! :p

    So what's your accent? I wanna hear you say lines from a guy ritchie movie! :) :)
    Fine thanks. :) Good coffee, my cat sleeping by the PC, having some fun on FreeOnes - what can i ask more? :D
    Chuckle? That's all? But.. I wanted so much more than your laughter! ;)

    Fly over to America and for a limited time only you can get this brand new other half of my bed! Guaranteed to wake you up in the middle of the night at least once a week for midnight sex! :p
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