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  • I don't mention the old timers for the following reason.Its because modern fighters and the human form had developed to where by the 60s you were getting especially in the heavyweight ranks much bigger faster athletes in all sports ,football ,baseball boxing etc.
    Ali was as I said was a heavyweight (a superheavyweight even at around 210-220 a lot) that had the hand and foot speed of middleweight.The old timers would not have stood a chance agsinst such a physical speciman.
    We will just have to agree to disagree on heavys lol.Of the ones that i actually saw a lot like those 3 you name I always liked Roberto.I remember 1st fight I saw him in was one he scored a knock out with a liver shot,that was impressive.The guy was doubled over in pain.Plus I hated mouthy sugar ray leonard lol
    Now well argue lol.Robinson probably greatest all around ever yep lol.And Ali not up there as a boxer?????? In his youth he had the speed of a middle weight with the pucnh and size of a heavy.Whipped the crap out everybody that was there(liston,Floyd Patterson etc ect ect and all the ones that came along later,even Joe Frazier who BTW was just as bad as Tyson only beat Ali once when Ali was rusty from the lay off for refusing to be drated and not being allowed to fight for like 2 years.THE GREATEST OFF ALL TIMES (for heavys that is LOL).
    Hello! Haven't heard from you for a few days....of course I haven't stayed around long. Busybusybusy. But it always makes me happy when you say hi:)
    The best ones are a combo of both qualities.The Ali's,Duran's,Hagler's,Joe Louis's

    I am watching Graziano vs Sugar ray now on youtube lol.
    You mean Boxer/technician vs Slugger/brawler.But I knew what ya meant.Thats what makes for good fights ,good match ups of styles.
    I ahve some older star trek stuff from about 15 years ago, dolls of the original show and this really cool battery operated Transporter device.You put the doll in and it disapears with all the right sound effects.Its done with mirrors lol.
    Zale probably better technically.Graziano was as I said an animal with a lot of heart and dynamite right.Not going to win every fight type but always dangerous and had a lot of personality.We never saw Zale on TV as a kid eithier lol.Rocky was a fixture doing commercials for a transmission repair co in NY area for lot of years.Rocky was prototypical NY Italian tough guy, but with big heart.
    Yep you heard of him and thats the movie.Like I said as a kid I saw him a lot on TV,that was well after he stopped fighting.I knew nothing of him and his earlier life,he just seemed like this usually very happy,kinda funny,really nice guy.Had no idea till later what an absolute animal he was in the ring and I guess outside of it earlier in life.He was a total slugger as a boxer who had a dynamite right hand.
    Ever heard of Rocky Graziano?While not a heavyweight (he was middle) I always knew/heard about him lot more than Marciano.Graziano was on TV a lot as a kid in commericials or as guest star sometimes on various TV shows.He had quite a life story too that was made into movie starring Paul Newman.Went from petty thief ,street thug,jailbird, to middleweight champ.
    Where you off to?

    It's all good in the hood ;) I should be on slightly more often in the evenings now, it seems that my summer fling is now almost over. Oh well :D
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