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  • I actually been doing stuff around the flat( I call it that for your sake).What did Churchill say once to FDR "we are divided by a common language" lol.
    Doing maintanence (took apart non working lamp ordered part to fix,some general cleaning etc.).

    I had to order an external hard drive as my PC is out of room.:eek:
    I got the external HD but gotta wait on the PCIUSB 2.0 card I need to install in pc first which should be here monday. My pc is getting old ,40 gb was a lot when I bought it,now thats like a joke.New external is 500gb.
    Tan lines? That must look sweet with your normally rather "pale" skin and those freckles! :) Cait wait to see that!
    Damn yeah it was already so hot until a few days ago! I was melting.

    Now since a few days its barely 15° :rolleyes: Dont know whats wrong with this weather guy up there. ;)

    Btw where were you on your vacation?
    Good to have you back minid.

    Oh no you scared me. :D:rolleyes: how are you? I meant to send you a hello yesterday, cuz I haven't talked ya in a while, but I forgotted too do so. yes forgotted. I was distracted yesterday, My myspace page got deleted, I had almost 900 starlets on board as friends / contacts. :cussing: fuckin tom. :mad:
    Awesome! lol, I thought of you the other day.I was surfin the TV and came accross one of those monster truck things (which I never watch lol), but one of the trucks body was made to look like a dog.You own part of that?:dunno::D
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