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  • Come here!!!! *smoooooooooooch* :kiss:

    It's just not the real thing! :( Plus, I have to clean my screen all the time afterwards! :o
    Aww I'm sorry to hear. :( I wish I could do anything. Kiss you better or something. :kiss:

    I'm always good when talking to you! :)
    Oh beach under the stars sounds great! Eating Pizza as well! :)

    Not many beaches here though. :o But that's what I meant with picnic. Just sit somewhere listen to music and talk. :)

    So we're not very different with our "nice dates" imaginations. :) We both want something where we are alone so we can just talk and enjoy. :thumbsup:

    I just like other kinds of music better. Even though I can actually listen to almost anything.

    Hey gorgeous, I think I should go to bed. We talk again later I hope. Good night! :kiss:
    To be honest I don't know. I never was on a real date.

    First of all I would just do/take her anything/anywhere she likes. So we would only do what she really likes. When it comes to me....I think I'd take her to a nice Italian restaurant. After that maybe go watch a movie and then a nice walk through a park.
    Or maybe just a nice picnic. Anyway something/somewhere not too loud or crowded. Somewhere where we are more for ourselves and where we can just talk to eachother. You know what I mean? :o

    How about you?

    Oh btw I call my mom 'Mama' :)
    You mean who I'd love to date the most or how my perfect date would look like? :o

    Btw I had another question. How do your kids call you and how did/do you call your mom?
    Hehe I take it your kids weren't planned? But you turned out to be a great mommie anyway! :) That's all what counts!

    See you got it. So you're a lot smarter now! ;)

    I love sitcoms such as Two and a half men, The King of Queens and such (also the older sitcoms), of course The Simpsons and documentaries about nature or animals, history and technical stuff are always nice, too.

    I can't come up with another question. You? :D
    Many animals. I think my favs are penguins and cheetahs.

    Wow 16? That's not that early right? But still you have already two kids! Just saying not rating or anything. :)

    If you remember yourself you can actually come up with my answer yourself! :o

    What's your favorite (kind of) TV show(s)?
    Simple chocolate. :)

    When have you lost your virginity? Oh and what's your actual favorite animal? Dogs?
    You plus any car would be really sweet! :)

    Well Lamborghini is Italian, but it belongs to Audi which is German. ;)
    But you're not much into German cars are you?

    Oooooh btw....You...looking like a 50s pinup on the hood of an old Mustang! :eek: :rubbel:
    Haha no I won't say that! :) Black is cool.

    When a Canadian says hockey they mean ice hockey right? :)

    My favorite color is pink. Yes really. :D I love football and soccer.

    Oh my favorite car? Hmm...many. '66 Mustang is always nice. But I have lots of likey likey cars! :D What's your favorite?
    Yeah it's not easy to walk on those! :rolleyes:

    Hey how important is the penis size for you? I have seen some of your clips and pics and the guy (your hubby?) didn't have one of those huge porn cocks fortunately!
    How do you know I'm not acting? :D In case you don't know...I was always honest with you! :)

    You can have a picture if you like! You know what to do! ;)

    Well, okay let's see.... I'm between 6ft and 6ft 1in tall. Pretty slim, but getting a little belly lately. I have green-brown eyes and very short brown hair. When it's hot outside I'm almost bald on my head. Anything I missed?
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