Don't start being Mr Nice guy to me now, or I'll regret it.
cindy CD/TV
You're welcome, my friend!! I just love reading your posts. :yesyes: That sharp wit of yours should be registered as a weapon You're the best! *big hug*
Times they be a-changing as Barry Manilow once said.
In the past couple of months I have found my true calling as an Randian Objectivist and Anti-Natalist and I just can't be seen to be around breeders any longer.
hope you are doing well. whenever you can please check the link given bellow. any comments would be pretty much appreciated. pardon me for any inconvenience. :)
Fear not, I was on holiday for a week and went back up to Scotland - Internet access was very limited, Im back from tonight though. Just be a few hours to get resettled before I start banning again!