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  • Will check them out soon! I do like Eastern Euro babes as they seem to be very natural and very willing! Thanks for adding me to your friends list: I do feel welcome on this board!
    Sorry, I'm late getting back - been busy on a wankathon ;)

    Thanks for the heads-upon the Ibiza Sex Party DVDs. Sounds just like my idea of entertainment.
    Hello there, thanks for the rep you gave me. :D So the eastern Euro babe you like was Regina Ice? Yeah she's pretty and sexy! ;)
    Many thanks for adding me to your friendship list.
    I'll be checking out Ms Dark in greater detail. That should sort out most of my wanks for March.[img]

    I don't know what my avatar's name is. But I'll soon be replacing him with someone more photogenic.[img]

    The young lady flashing her gash on my homepage is called Mikka Marlow. [img]
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