Jane Burgess
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  • Yeah Bill got a raw deal when turning Jessica and it cost them both so much. Eric is a badass, he looks like something right out of Norse Mythology. Evan Rachel Wood was very cool as Sophie-Anne The Queen of Louisiana...yatzee! HaHa!
    I only started watching Leverage a week or so ago when TNT had that day long marathon; at the recommendation of my brother-in-law. I was really impressed, I have always liked Timothy Hutton, I do miss Sophie and I hope they bring her back full-time soon. I am not complaining about Jeri Ryan however. I have always had a thing for her.
    Sometimes I wonder about Chumley; is he really that dumb? I like Pawn Stars mostly because I like to hear the history behind the stuff that's brought into the shop and to watch Rick, The Old Man and Big Hoss argue and bicker.
    True Blood is one of the best shows I have seen since Battlestar Galactica started. Jason Stackhouse is another dumbass, he's a really good kid but my god is he dense. I feel really bad for Jessica, everything was taken away from her but I think that her and Hoyt make a sweet couple.
    I like the First 48, I usually don't watch police procedural shows but that's very good. I love Better off Ted, Portia DeRossi is fantastic in it. I watch Heroes, Parks and Recreation, V, Fringe, Caprica, Two and a Half Men, Pawn Stars, True Blood, and Leverage. I too try to mix it up but I tend to lean towards sci-fi.
    I hope so too but I am not holding my breath. I really liked the show overall I was very much impressed with the acting and for the most part the writing. If someone does pick it up I think they can flesh out Echo's story. What other shows do you watch, Jane?
    Yeah, I felt the same way. It was pretty abrupt and the whole thing felt very rushed. The only thing I did like was Echo being imprinted with Paul and because of that she won't be alone. I thought that idea was sweet but as a whole I was disappointed with it..
    Cool... I have to log off for the night, We'll critique the ending later. Have a good night sweetie!
    Oh, crap...I forgot about the time difference. I'm on eastern, are you on moutain or pacific time?
    Your wish is my command Jane. I'm sending you a sunny day tomorrow. Break out your sunglasses and tell the doggies to get ready to play. :cool:
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