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  • Don't worry about it, the fact that you enjoyed it is reward enough. I'm mostly just poking my head in to refute georges and then leaving, I'm not really that active anymore. I'm doing well, and I hope you are too.

    If you're game (and you're one of the few people I wouldn't mind staying in contact with outside of here), I'll send you my email in a PM and we can continue catching up outside of this domain.
    ***The-Trolls-Of-Freeones-Talk-2016-Edition*** Who cut the cheese? Wait, who made the cut?

    Sadly, you didn't troll hard enough to qualify this year.
    Thanks for the rep.
    I don't even know how to reply to BC since he has lapsed into incoherent rants.
    I see there's still some assholes ignoring your requests on that thread. I hate it that the Pious Party always seem to be the ones that take cheap shots.
    Not a problem my friend, I always enjoy reading your thoughts. I've been busy with work and school, and just not finding myself as interested in contributing to what seems like the general disarray that the board is now. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call myself "super-intelligent", but if I did I'd say it takes one to know one. :hatsoff:
    Yeah, me too but you are a quite a bit more of an asshat than I am methinks (I wasn't even nominated!). BTW, Will should have won in a landslide....Fly's unabashed campaign to solicit votes undoubtedly cost Will his duly-deserved crown as Asshat of the Fucking Year! Maybe we should grant him a special "Lifetime Achievement Award"??? LOL....take care, amigo!
    Thanks for your support.
    Don't worry, I do not plan to shut my mouth. the fact that "shut up, foreigner" argument comes from the most ring-wing people (Ace Boobtoucher, Blue Clountach, etc.) encourages me to go on.
    Oh, I will. I can't fix it single-handedly, so it won't bother me....much.

    You be sure to do the same, okay?
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