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  • No it isn't me, CC. It's the legendary Americana singer/songwriter and political activist Steve Earle. Steve is my life hero and role model, hence the tribute to him in my avatar and my signature. Thanks for asking!
    Awesome menu on that post, man.
    I've got a lot of physical issues but popping/grinding knees ain't one of them. Sounds like either arthritis or cartilage damage so I would recommend seeing a doctor. Good luck. Can't be any fun.
    Have no idea why but I get the feeling you suffer from popping/grinding knees, any tips on how to deal with these? If you don't then I'm sorry for having wasted your valuable time.
    Thanks for the rep, man. Glad I had an older brother and sister who both loved the Beatles.
    My pleasure. I guess I'm now mixing metaphors, but that was a homerun, IMO. :thumbsup:
    Don't know why you can't leave a comment on my profile. I'll look in my settings and see if I zigged something when I should have zagged.
    Well, good to see things are looking up for you. I'm going through the uncertainty of a slow work period. Hopefully something will come up this week.
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