Dont worry about offending people on the net; even if u like someone ur rude to them.
The F5e is small, cheap to buy, maintain and fly, maneuvarable yet stable, lightweight and is dispersable.
It's also very easy to maintain and that means you can fly it every day.
You can fly it outside an enemy border 7 days a week, the enemy sends up an interceptor and if it the enemy interceptor isn't as easy to maintain then eventually they won't have an interceptor to send up and when that happens, you can invade with air superiority by default.
The A10 is tough, cheap (for what it does) mobile yet stable, easy to maintain.
& dispersable.
Gripen NG is small, lightweight, cheap to buy, fly and maintain, has performed well Eurofighter AND can supercruise.
The F16 is small, mobile, has excellent cockpit visibility, is cheap to buy, fly & (easy to) maintain & has a huge amount of sales & variants, meaning great customisability & a large pool of spare parts.
Take your pick