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  • C
    Hey you! Thanks for the Vera Baby rep ... she's something special! :)
    Thanks for the rep! It's been a few years since I drove that rode on a regular basis but my family lived in Salt Lake City, my grand-parents lived in in Island Park, my ex-wife was from Gardner Montana and I was stationed in North Dakota. Look at a map and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I've ridden that road a few times.

    I also had a CDL for a few years and hauled poles in some of that same country.

    Anyway - it brought back good times reading about the bees -

    P.S. If you ever get to Island Park, stop at Fish Springs and lay on the bridge and look into the water at the most awesome trout spawning ground in the world. It's been protected for years and it's absolutely amazing to watch huge spawning trout over the shallow gravel bottom of the spring.

    But I wander
    I'm so glad to hear that love, you're a sweetheart :) xo
    Hey, you!
    I appreciate what you said, love. And I don't hold hate in my heart. It's too destructive and life is too short. It's just that hearing those kinds of comments from online friends really hurt -- more than I expected it would. I shouldn't take it personally, but my heart is always on my sleeve :) I guess I was more afraid that folks, whom I like, might think so low of me. :uohs: It would break my heart! :crying: But I only have goodwill toward you -- you've always been one of the nicest people to me on FO, so I hope we're still cool.

    Thanks for the rep - still trying to figure out how to get that track from the dvd to my phone - maybe I'll pull the tape out and grab it from there - it's worth it!
    Here's your statement:
    That was a good read. I always noticed how they linked God with America and tried to use a guilt trip that way, but I never realized how truly complex their misleading ways really are. What a bunch of bastards.

    The people who need to read it wouldn't "get it" or agree with it even if they did.

    I found that a pretty insulting and ignorant thing to say. You're entitled to have whatever opinion you want, of course, but ill-spoken words have consequences. And I'm really NOT a fan of folks who insinuate I'm stupid -- it doesn't matter that the comment wasn't directed specifically at me. That article you were talking about was a gigantic bunch of B.S. written by people who have a huge ax to grind against Fox -- and attacking the network's viewers as mindless, brained-washed zombies just because they have different political views was so outrageous to me and made me so sick to my stomach with anger that I actually threw up.
    I hear you my dude! RATM is my all-time fave band! but there are so many other bands that I love almost as much! 50 cent is da $h!T as well! :banger:
    Thanks for the Rep. my friend. :glugglug: (Anythings possible but a gangbang w/ B.Pitts girl?) :dunno:
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