Friday on my mind

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  • hi thanks for accepting friend add
    nice channel by the way... feels good writing in comic sans... :thefinger

    I've been having those thoughts since christmas :crash:

    And now that they feel like political underdogs they seem to be bleating like sheep more than ever :D. It's always quite amusing.

    Keep up the good work :hatsoff:
    the time is nigh my man F
    monday is the day...................................:wave2:
    you should have been on stage lol
    as Spock says its logical computers dont lie
    Rocky Rocky Rocky(n better lookin than Ali)
    "uno mas"the hands of stone vs Leonard forgot which round he quit
    could be best pound for pound
    maybe Hagler

    the topic is so debateable
    they were the best of THEIR era
    Marciano would be a middleweight
    but then agaun he could have 50 mickey mouse titles to choose from

    surprised you not mention Dempsey?or Tunney?or Louis(bum of the month)the list is exhaustable
    you like pepsi i like coca cola lol
    bah 49-0
    beat that
    wont be done in our lifetime
    pound for pound?Hagler,Hearns,Duran???
    entertainment at the highest
    dont say Robinson best pound for pound pleaseeeeeeeeeee
    i read Randy Turpins bio not long ago
    sad really really sad never got over losing
    was he lucky to win vs Robinson,or just too good?
    i got more books on Ali than the bleedin library lol
    thats good reading
    still dont put him UP there as a boxer
    cool you should keep hold of it worth a fortune in years
    i've got over 2000 star wars figures n toyys plenty from the original 77 release n boxed
    the technician 90% wins
    unless your called Marciano
    or Tyson
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