Merry Christmas to you Freeryan! Thank you for your Christmas wishes! Very happy you enjoy all my mature and MILF links just as much as I do. Take care and have a wonderful holiday!
Oh ok dats cool.. most people don't use their real names in messageboard communities so whats the difference?? what guy doesn't look @ porn or communicate in some kind of Adult forum??
p.s. your reply too me, is on your profile page, you have too be on my profile page in order for me too recieve your replies! have a great holidays! :thumbsup:
You know what I actually was having trouble getting to some of my saved/favorite threads and others I had no trouble with. I figured it was my cpu but it sounds like it's the board itself. PS I wish LOL!
Looks like you have the board to yourself lol.Somehow you can post while no one else can.I can't even get into 99.9 % of threads.Any secret to it or just luck somehow,if you don't mind me asking?