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  • Merry Christmas to you Freeryan! Thank you for your Christmas wishes! Very happy you enjoy all my mature and MILF links just as much as I do. Take care and have a wonderful holiday!
    Oh ok dats cool.. most people don't use their real names in messageboard communities so whats the difference?? what guy doesn't look @ porn or communicate in some kind of Adult forum?? :rolleyes:

    p.s. your reply too me, is on your profile page, you have too be on my profile page in order for me too recieve your replies! have a great holidays! :thumbsup:
    Just wondering. The avatars rarely fit the actual members and some are too shy to put their faces on a porn forum. Not that they should be.
    yeah the black/white photo is me, I am too ugly for color!! :rofl2: why do you ask? ttyl, take care! :hatsoff:
    You know what I actually was having trouble getting to some of my saved/favorite threads and others I had no trouble with. I figured it was my cpu but it sounds like it's the board itself. PS I wish LOL!
    Looks like you have the board to yourself lol.Somehow you can post while no one else can.I can't even get into 99.9 % of threads.Any secret to it or just luck somehow,if you don't mind me asking?
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