Becks...poamr Oct 28, 2008 :sniffle: I guess I can forgive you. Just don't make a habit of it, OK? *hugs*
ChefChiTown Oct 8, 2008 October birthdays are awesome. Happy B-day!!! What do you have your PhD in? Is it awesomeness? Yeeeeah, I think it iiiiiiiiis.
October birthdays are awesome. Happy B-day!!! What do you have your PhD in? Is it awesomeness? Yeeeeah, I think it iiiiiiiiis.
ChefChiTown Oct 5, 2008 I was just wondering... Since you're Dr. there a Dr. Life? You know, like your bizarro Jerry?
I was just wondering... Since you're Dr. there a Dr. Life? You know, like your bizarro Jerry?
senob44 Oct 4, 2008 A stop-in at Freeones would not be complete without a trip to the Doc. Hope all is well, my friend, in your neck of the woods.
A stop-in at Freeones would not be complete without a trip to the Doc. Hope all is well, my friend, in your neck of the woods.