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  • I want to commend you on the way you handled the fallhell threads. It must have been difficult to show so much restraint. :clap:
    Meh, he's playing a role. We all do it here to some extent. He does seem to genuinely entertain quite a few of the members, though.
    Haha, I can't rep you again, but thanks for letting us play a bit in the help me ples thread. I like answering questions with pictures.

    Re: Do you enjoy looking at the vaginas of women?

    Just between you and (I don't want this widely getting out to diminish the enjoyment of the majority of board members who take it at the surface level,) there is definitely a post-modern bent to my seemingly most useless threads. Look at some of the gallery names people post, the astonishing redundancy and puerile mentality, yet it deserves deserves celebration as much as revilement. It's about breaking things down to their most basic elements so you can take a second look and maybe find new insights.

    I really liked you comment on women offering themselves—that's the type of thing I'm fishing for with these posts. (Well, that and the reaction to the general absurdity people seem to so much enjoy.)
    Yeah. Don't worry, I'm sure there will be another search in a few months after gunslingingbird and I disappear in the Bermuda Triangle.
    Awesome! It wasn't as good in its later seasons, but the premise, the character development, and the plots were always phenomenal. You have good taste, sir. :thumbsup:
    thats kittymeow, she's a good friend of mine on hear. look for her in my friends list. and ask her about her blog.
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