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  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009, Deeeze!!!. :glugglug: , and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for your girlfriend Aria too!!!. :1orglaugh
    No no...youre right. That was not nice! Maybe you should send Aria to me so she can give me my deserved "punishment" :D
    It says "Merry Christmas from Aria Giovanni", but why does she look so mean? You were a bad boy this year?

    Ok whats your records on NFSUC? Shortest cop chase = 20 seconds from start to end of cool down period. Longest run on 2 flat tires and evaded = over 10 minutes. That one was nerve racking with my lambo that had 2 strikes already. I still lost it in a later chase :(
    Thanks I like the sig as well. It took a while to get used to it because I had the other one for so long.
    Have I to be honest? Here I'm a little tired of some comments, always the same bla bla bla (fake or not) so in my opinion denise's thread on freoones is boring (you and a few others are the exception). ;)
    Yea it is kinda disappointing. MC:LA was far better. I think I'm gonna try and find a copy of NFS:MW to buy since it's only 20 bucks anyway and the best NFS since....hell since a long fuckin time ago!
    I played Midnight Club:LA and then turned that in and got NFS:UC. Weird how I went from one game that was beautiful and hard as fuck to one that isn't that pretty and so easy, its a fuckin joke! Still fun though. Well the cop chases are anywa.
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