ChefChiTown Oct 5, 2008 What's up D-rock? I feel like I haven't just said "hi" to you in a long, long while. So, I'm changing that. HI!!!
What's up D-rock? I feel like I haven't just said "hi" to you in a long, long while. So, I'm changing that. HI!!!
senob44 Oct 4, 2008 Thought I would stop by a few of my friends while I was on here, since I don't post much anymore. I hope you are doing well and enjoying the fall!
Thought I would stop by a few of my friends while I was on here, since I don't post much anymore. I hope you are doing well and enjoying the fall!
drdeath67 Sep 21, 2008 Cool! I need to get my own place soon! My Brother and his family are driving me insane! LOL
drdeath67 Sep 21, 2008 Hey buddy! Yeah they have been working my old ass off but I have the whole weekend off! So how goes it my friend?
Hey buddy! Yeah they have been working my old ass off but I have the whole weekend off! So how goes it my friend?
senob44 Aug 20, 2008 I'm not sure if he's a Packers fan, but he may very well be. I can assure you though that any kitties that Becks and I adopt will NOT be Packers fans!
I'm not sure if he's a Packers fan, but he may very well be. I can assure you though that any kitties that Becks and I adopt will NOT be Packers fans!